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Fog surrounds the shower walls as the steam spreads through the entire room

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Fog surrounds the shower walls as the steam spreads through the entire room. The hot water hits my body leaving the spot burning as the water trails down my naked body. I made the water extra hot in hopes that it'll make me feel better about this whole Mafia Ace situation. I haven't had the chance to probably sit down and think this whole situation through. I'm not one to just go with the flow, well most times. But out of all the times I knew I had to make plans and this this whole thing through, is the time that I completely become blank and don't do shit.

Honestly I need a drink.

Didn't you say you weren't going to drink?

shut the fuck up bitch

Ignoring the voice in my head, I step out of the range of the water and grab the shampoo, lathering it all over my hair, detangling. Doing the same thing with the conditioner and rinsing it all out. I step out the shower and wrap the towels around myself. My mirror is covered in steam.

Seeing the time and its 5pm I change into a Black Nike hoodie and some Gray sweats since I technically don't need to change until later. Throwing the towel on my bed I sit at my vanity and start doing my hair and makeup. I decided to go for a natural makeup look with some mascara and liner, adding some lip gloss to my lips and highlighter on my nose.

Curling my hair with the curler, and framing my face with my bangs. My wolf cut ends just a bit past my shoulder so its pretty long. Listening to The Weekend whilst getting ready something comes to my head. I gasp at the fact that I haven't fucking called Amy since she stopped coming to work?

How could I have been so stupid? Shes literally my best friend and her dad died and I didn't even call her.

Turning the curler off and scrambling off my vanity, I pick up my phone and head to my bed to put it on charging on the nightstand and call Amy since the charging was running low.

She doesn't pick up on the first call so I call her again, she called me 4 times before and I didn't answer her. Oh my god I feel so bad right now.

I call her a second time and after the 5th ring she picks up.


"what do you want?" She sounds irritated and frustrated that I called her, I mean I can't blame her. This is all my fault.

"Amy I'm so sorry, I swear I meaned to call you but I just got so busy it completely slipped my mind"

There's silence for a few seconds and I'm praying that she doesn't hang up

"Wow so now you fucking care? after what like 4 fucking days of me not being at work you notice now?"

"Amy you have to believe me, I've been trying to fix things and I made the decision to marry Ace and kill him for you"

"Wow good for you" 

what the fuck, is she fucking kidding me right now?

"What are you talking about?"

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