Know your place.

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The room is darkened, the only lights that make it possible to see are the ones that are directly shining on the middle of the dance floor

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The room is darkened, the only lights that make it possible to see are the ones that are directly shining on the middle of the dance floor. All heads turn and all eyes run up and down me and Ace as we walk towards the centre of the dance floor. His hand gently holds mine as the rooms goes silent, the only sound being the clicking of my heels on the ground.

 Trying my hardest not to drip over my dress. We reach the centre, being ingulfed in the spotlight as the rest of the world disappears. Ace turns back and looks to me, we make eye contact as his eyes still manage to shine through the dark room. 

I dont want to look away, I'm too entranced in this moment its eating me alive right now.

His right hand comes and rests on my waist, pulling me in closer to his chest. He brings my right hand out in a ball room dance like manner, our hands connect and my left hand comes up to rest on his shoulder. As we do this the music turns on, and we start to move to the rhythm. 

I move backwards, he moves forward. Keeping eye contact as if our life depended on it, as if if we looked away for even a second, the other would be gone, as if we were the most happiest we had ever been in a long time. He doesn't dare look away and nor do I.

 I'm too ingulfed in the series that repeats and repeats of this staring competition. Those eyes, that dark set of pearls shine perfectly in the light that hits on us, I want to break them apart, I want to ruin them and see everything it hides, all the mysterious and puzzles that could be lurking in those very pools of dark are making me go insane. 

He stares right back at me, the muffled sounds of the people's whispers mixing with the music that's slowly slipping from my mind as all I can be focused on the sound of my own heartbeat and my breathing picking up.

We both dance as if there's no one watching us, as if were the only ones left on this earth after watching all our loved ones leave us and join the rest up in the clouds, as if we are the last living things to grace this world and we chose to spend our last moments in a magical moment of combining our hearts and minds with a dance of lust and love.

He pushes me away from him and twirls me around with my hand raising above my head still being connected to his, he brings me back and were back in the same position. His hand finds my waist and my hand finds his shoulder. Neither of us speak, neither of us look away. Its getting too much and the tension in the air is being gradually broken.

 The silence is comfortable, it isn't awkward. A silence I could spend eternity in.

The music starts to slowly come to an end and before it does we both step away from each other, having 3 feet distance between us as we gracefully let go of each others hands, leaving them to rest at our sides. We both stand there, watching each other for a few seconds until the spotlight that was on us shuts off and the whole rooms goes dark and quiet. 

The music stops too and soon the lights turn back on and everyone erupts into an applause. I cant be bothered looking at them since all I can focus on right now are those eyes.

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