last night.
Is the only thing that has been on my mind on repeat. The feel of his lips on mine on repeat, the feel of his hands roaming all over my bruised skin and the way he held my face repeating in my head, the way our tongues just melted with each others.
Last night is the only thing I have been seeing for the past 24 hours. I cant think straight, i refuse to leave the room. I refuse for anyone to even enter this room. My phone has been buzzing nonstop ever since I got back, and its not helping.
The same colour of walls have changed shades atleast agazillion times since i've been back, i must be going insane in here.
Its worse then the locked cage, over here I have my entire life outside these doors however I cant find myself to leave, I cant seem to move my legs closer to twist the door silver handle. Atleast in the locked cage as the russians hostage I had no choice, I was being told what to do, what to say, what to eat, when to sleep. It was almost peaceful in a way.
But I am grateful for being here.
Until last night.
I can still feel the shape of his lips, and the movement of his lips on mine, they tingle. I can still taste him. He tasted sweet, like cherries, not a strong taste though, just the perfect amount.
All I have been doing is lying in my bed, my bod bruised and the words that i lost spoke to him leaving a tingling sensation in my mouth. I know it was the right thing to do, but two wrongs dont always make a right. I cant help but think I hurt him when I pushed him away.
Scratch that.
Hes Ace Lorenzo Cassano, Heir to the Italian Mafia, he doesnt fucking need me. And so what if I kissed him and it almost killed me more than the russians did when I say him actually leave.
Hes my enemy, and my enemy he shall remain.
Lets just hope he doesnt want my head.
I throw the covers off of me as my eyes latch onto the clock on my wall, its 2am. My feet dangle off the edge of the bed as I put my glasses on and my jumper that was thrown onto my desk chair. My body aches as I try to get up, but I cant rely on Ace and his maids forever. As much as my thighs and stomach are killing me, I'm in desperate need of some Ice-Cream.
I hold in the groan that is threatning to erupt from the pain my leg is in, but I hold it as my bedroom door opens at my hand and I make my way downstairs to the main foyer of the mansion.
The lights are dimmed, indicately that Ace is probably asleep since he leaves the kitchen lights dimmed a little in case he comes out in the middle of the night. My legs take towards the fridge as the familar view of his massive lounge becomes visible, a part of the plush cushions is seen while the rest hides behind the lounge wall.
I open the fridge, the visible cool air kisses my cheeks as my hands roam around the contents inside, I shift things around and misplacing the takeout when I dont find the thing i'm looking for. I close the frige door and open the freezer, the air is even colder my body almost shivers.
My eyes scan the inside and to my luck, no ice-cream.
"Seriously, what does this man eat? cold lettuce for desert?" I speak aloud, knotting my eyebrows.
"If you want something buy it yourself" A voice behind me spooks me, I make a sharp pivor 180 degrees, and to my no surprise a sharp pain in my side follows causing me to hiss.
holding my side with both my hands and applying pressure, I open my eyes to see Ace standing there on the other side of the marble gray kitchen island, in nothing but gray sweats, and white socks.
Hes shirtless.
Before I can even think about it, my eyes skim down his figure, taking in all of his muscular frame. Its almost intimidating at this point.
My god this man is blessed.
I quickly avert my eyes from his body and focus on his face, the emotionless signature face.
His stupid chiselved face.
"Excuse me" I speak, with no stutter. Ignoring the gashing pain in my side.
"Did I stutter? I said you can buy your own food" His voice is deep as he spews out demands.
"Why dont you have anything sweet in your fridge?" I cross my arms, pinning him straight with a stare of my own.
His eyes only seem to skim down my figure as he notices the appaling pain in my side, until they snap back to my eyes. He slowly starts making his way around the kitchen island and to where i'm standing. He walks right past me, but before he does he gets all close up in my face and says "My fridge, my food" He gives me another look up and down "Buy your own eski if your not happing with it"
He walks along and stops at the kitchen sink, before filling a glass of water and chugging it down. Despite my attempts I watch his throat work with the water and the way his mouth latches onto the glass rim.
Those same lips on mine more than 24 hours ago.
"Whats shoved up your ass?" My back leans against the wall, trying to take some of the pain off my leg as I eye him up and down as he continues to chug the water.
He stops, the sound of the glass clicking against the marble island is heard, he turns around, leans his back against the edge of the counter and crosses his arms over his chest. I dont avert my eyes from his, but I can see from the corner of my eye his biceps curling.
"Nothing" He plainly says.
Ok so hes just a bitch for no reason then. awesome.
"I just dont want you getting all up in my personal space now, so I have decided. From now on, you and me no longer speak to each other unless absolutely necessary. We will come home at different times, I will work late on some days and you will on other days. Once you have fully recovered I will ask one of the maids to assist you in preparing you to return back to your work." He continues "You and I are a marriage on paper and nothing else, so theres no need for you to get your hopes up over just one kiss. Ur like every other girl, so theres nothing special. If you need to speak with me, dont call. Get Theo or Mason to prepare a meeting with me"
He finishes as his arms uncross from his chest, his body walks away from the kitchen before he leaves me with one last emotionless look. All I see now is his perfect back walking away from the kitchen leaving me with nothing, no words.
So he wants to forget anything happened? He thinks I am like every other girl? If I want to speak with him I have to place a meeting through his two goons?
This man is the most pathetic and idiotic bitch I have ever met in my entire life.
To think that even for one second I was going to put my guard down for a man like him. Ones a Cassano, always a Cassano.
This just proved to me, that I cant get distracted. Dreaming time is over Aliyna.
The game starts now. And two can play at that game.
A/N: OOHMMMMGG HI GUYSS!! i have missed yall and THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE VOTES AND COMMENTS! they truly make me motivated to finish this story BECAUSE ITS SUCH A GOOD ONE not even joking this one gets me in a choke hold!!!
Excited to see Aliyna start putting her plan into action? what do you think about Ace's new attitude? let me know in the comments and I'll see yall next time!! LOVE U AND DRINK WATER <######

Action"Oh please darling, you couldnt kill me even if your life depended on it." His raspy voice making the space between my legs wet. if i wasnt standing infront of all the round table members, i would have certainly crumbled to the floor. Though his ey...