OH, right.

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'Lila (two red hearts'

who in the actual fuck is Lila.

And tell me why I am sitting on the bed, half naked like an idiot waiting for Ace to come out of the bathroom.

I should leave, I should definitely leave. 

I should just light a candle and hope it burns the curtains.

Hes been in the bathroom for 15 minutes talking on the phone with some Lila bitch.

with two. red. hearts.

Who is she? why is she calling him? How does he know her?

Why are there two. red. hearts.

I'm not jealous...

shut the fuck up

I block the voice in my head and glare directly at the white bathroom door, as soon as his phone rang he left and walked straight into the bathroom and didn't even bother turning around, let alone explaining what was happening.

I've been contemplating for the past 15 minutes whether or not to break down that door and toss his phone out the window or leave the building entirely.

Since I no longer want to see his stupid face and phone, i'll pick the latter.

I grab the rest of my clothes off the floor and put them on, then take my shoes and open the door to the hotel suite.

I dont bother seeing if Ace noticed I was gone, I didn't particarly make my exit a quiet one but he would know.

I start making my way down to the lobby, ignoring the voice in my head that says to return to the bedroom and smash down the door but alas.

I'm the bigger person here, not that asshole.

I need to get a grip.

I push open the big lobby doors of the hotel and the cold air kisses my skin, I enjoy this nice soft kind of breeze, not so harsh.

I realize that we arrived here in Aces car and there is no way i'm getting back in that, so instead I start making my way down the road and past the parking lot.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and Dial Jasons number, he picks up after the fourth ring.

"Hello?" Jason's raspy voice rings in my ears.

"Were u sleeping?" I ask

"Yeah why?"

"Well can u come pick me up? i'll send you my address."

"No pick yourself up"

He hangs up.

that motherfucking bitch.

I ring him again.

"Pick me up, the asshole left me stranded"

theres silence after a few seconds.

"I'll be there in 20"

He hangs up again.

Okay so maybe lying is the way to go sometimes when you want something done.

I stuff my phone in my pocket and start making my way further down the street, I dont even making it three steps when a harsh hand grips roughly on my arm and tugs me backwards.

I gasp as I turn around, my instincits kicking in to throw a punch to the person holding on to me, but I turn and see that its Ace standing there in the cold.

with no shirt on.

Maybe I should just punch him here.

"Let go of me" I tug harshly at the grip so it loosens but its no use, its grip only gets tighter.

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