The Board

492 9 13


Have I been at work for more than the hours I anticipated that I would be here? Yes. 

Have I been pilling myself up with work because I want to avoid going back to Ace's Mansion? Yes.

Has he called me and I didnt pick up? Yes.

"Whats wrong with you?" Amy appears beside me on the couch as she hands me another cup of coffee, she stayed late with me and I appreciate it. Her chestnut hair shines in the golden lighting of my office, her purple scarf around her neck complements her blue eyes as her lips widen into a smile towards me.

"Nothing, why would you assume somethings wrong?" I ask, taking the cup of hot steamed coffee from her hand and bringing it towards my lips, the hot liquid hits my tongue with a burn until it leaves a pleasurable sensation down my throat.

"I dont know, you just seem a little off after the meeting with Mike Motors" She speaks in her soft tone, sipping on her cup of mocha.

"Its nothing really" I'm lying "Just some paperwork going through my head "Paperwork is the last thing on my mind.

But I dont tell her that.

"Well, I think its time you head back home, its getting late and I know that you have a alot more stuff you have to get done" Amy takes the pen from my hand and places it on the class table, she cleans up the papers I had layed across the surface and puts them into neat piles.

"I'll handle the rest from here, you just go home and take a rest" She speaks.

"Amy, I have been resting for nearly 2 months, I dont think I need anymore time" I try taking the paper back from her hands but she takes her hands away

"Nope, I know you have a lot more on your mind then just paperwork and besides, its already late and dinner time and I dont think you have eaten, wanna grab some food before we head out?" 

I think of earlier, and how Ace told me he had to speak to me about something. Granted we never got to discuessing what that thing is, but I believe hes going to tell me tonight.

Apart of me is telling me to ditch Ace and go have dinner with Amy and hopefully Jason, while the other part of me, the deep dark part of me is telling me to see what that Devil has in store for me.

And I am not Aliyna if I'm not just a little curious

"I appreciate the offer Amy, but I think I am going to head home like you asked" I get up from the couch, taking my cup of coffee in hand as Amy follows "Good, because I really didn't know if I could fathom some more food, I just ate an entire chocolate cake just now" 

I chuckle as Amy grabs her coat and wishes me a goodnight, I continue to gather my materials and clean up the mess that I have left on my desk, I shut off my computer and put it away before heading out the door and locking my office.

I enter the security pin that activates the security system and exit my floor, The elevator opens and I start making my way deeper into the garage where my car is parked. As I appear closer, my phone dings with a notification from none other then the devil himself.

Ace: Meet at this location in 15 minutes. 

And is attached a location that is 30 minutes away from here, as I zoom in on the map, I dont recognise the place, not any roads that I am familiar with.

Alas I tuck my phone away and get into my car, turning the engine on and buckling myself in as I exit the garage underground. Security checks me out and I turn my GPS on as I zoom down the road.

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