Character Info [Final Update]

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Name: Y/N L/N(Before) , Gunha Sogiita(After)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student [Class 1-A]

Personality: Smart , Gutsy, Dense, Hotblooded, Positive, Serious (If he needs to)

Likes: Manga, Music, His friends, Snacks, Challenges, Fighting, Studying, Making references

Dislikes: Injustice, Villains,  Monday Mornings, Hypocrites, Up-Tight People,Overconfident People

Esper Ability: Unknown (Registered as a Quirk under Super Strength)

Extra Abilities:

-Attack Crash: A blow powerful enough to destroy anything regardless of it's size even if it is more than 10 meters away. When initiating it, he adds specific adjectives to increase its intensity. He can also deliver powerful one by getting into a certain position channeling all the power into his fist before throwing it. He can also use it along with other various elements after being hit by them.

-Aurora Guard: A defensive move that can redirect any attack to the ground or back to the user. He can strengthen it with a technique that is similar to the attack crash and also an explosion of different colors to block even the strongest of attacks. However this ability can be very exhaustive.

-Air Jump: Able to jump in the air  which creates wind pressure as a result and he can also stop himself from falling down through kicking the air.

-Enhanced Strength: Easily lift a person and throw him without any effort and also throw a punch so powerful that can create a  blast of air pressure. However he can also tank any physical attack thrown  towards him.

-Explosion Creation: Able to create various types of explosions which can vary from blue, yellow and red smoke behind him that end up throwing people away and a barrage of spherical explosions.

-Mind Control/Brainwash Resistance: Able to easily break through mind control within a second after he is affected

-Pain Tolerance: He only ends up feeling prickly when in pain and hurt and doesn't receive any damage thus being able to tank any attack without losing consciousness.

-Pressure Creation: Able to create a large wall of pressure that can also hold back the strongest of attacks. If he puts more effort into creating the shield, one of his eyes will end up glowing. But if the attack that hits the wall is powerful, it will end up affecting his body damaging it from the inside.

-Recovery: Through unknown means he can be able to stop his body's bleeding and reconnect his bones if they are damaged.

-Super Speed: Able to move twice the speed of sound.

-Voice Amplifications: Able to create a powerful shout that allows him to stop falling. The vibration caused by the roar  can create an echo throughout the surroundings which causes anyone nearby to cover their ears.


Power: 6/5-S+

Speed: 6/5-S+

Technique: 6/5-S+

Intelligence: 5/5-A

Co-operativeness: 5/5-A

Guts: 6/5-S+

Image: (This is also is hero costume)

Image: (This is also is hero costume)

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