Chapter 7: An Eventful Game

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Kakine's P.O.V

Mugino and I were currently on the high speed train heading towards Hosu while watching the  sports festival in my phone and wasn't surprised that Gunha finished first on the first event and Misaki was right behind him

Kakine: As expected, Gunha managed to finish first. I'm not that surprised given his quirk.

Mugino: Yeah I am not that surprised either, what surprised me was Misaki coming in second. I mean she's the only one that didn't use her quirk rather than her brains. She followed Gunha after that amazing punch glided through Todoroki's eyes and found a blind spot where she navigated through the minefield without setting one off.

Kakine: But it's clear that Gunha helped her out at the last one. Did you see his head movement when she arrived after him. On the bright side she didn't come first.

Mugino: Coming first or not, I doubt she would just chicken out of this. We did agree that none of them would lose here.

Kakine: That's true. Now let's see who they will team up with and then see if they will win the next game.  We got enough plenty of time before the train arrives in Hosu and start our stakeout there.

Mugino: That is if we get the right place to do it.....I wonder how things will turn out.

Kakine: If you're worried about the plan it will work out fine so don't get worked out over it.

Mugino: If you say so


Gunha's P.O.V

After the first game had finished, we had gathered back to the stadium and to announce for the second game which was a calvary battle and the points were based on who came first and coincidentally I ended up with ten million points which made me the main target but to be fair I wasn't even concerned about it. Rather I was feeling confident. That was until the Chief Umpire of the game, Midnight brought everyone's attention back to her.

Midnight:Now I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its member's points, and riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as you can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it will be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen or if your team falls, you're not out!

Momo: Which means.....

Eijiro: .....since there are 42 people, there will be ten or twelve teams on the field the whole time?

Tsuyu: It's hard to say without seeing how all the points end up getting split up Mina.

Midnight: During the game it will be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks. But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You will be removed immediately!

Katsuki: Damn.

Midnight: Now you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!

As everyone split up to look for individual teams, the first one to approach me was none other than Misaki with a grin on her face.

Misaki: So Mr. Guts, how does it feel to have a large bounty on your head?

Gunha: At least it's better than Bandana Freak but I don't mind. Given my performance earlier, I'm pretty sure no one will be able to snag my points that easily even if I did this alone.

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