Chapter Thirteen

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The air pulses around Darla, thick with anticipation as the most powerful men in the realm enter the room ignorant of the news that awaited them. All were unaware except for the Hand who mirrored Darla's eagerness. None had noticed the finery Darla had been dressed in in preparation for the King's announcement. They were so used to ignoring the attendant's presence they couldn't register that the gown she wore was like any other lady of the court's.

Alicent stood behind her father, her head bowed as her nails dug into the skin of her hands. Darla itched to step forward and take Alicent's hands in her own, to soothe the girl's anxieties. However, she knew she was still just a servant to the men in the room, forbidden from touching or speaking to a nobleborn.

"Are you ready, my King?" Darla whispered, glancing towards Viserys as the lords took their seats.

With a nod, Viserys turned from the window. "Good Morrow my lords, I have decided to take a new wife."

Lord Corlys sat up straighter upon the announcement. A smug smile grew on the Sea Snake's face, expecting for the king to wed his youngest child. He disgusted Darla, with his eagerness to sell off his only daughter in the pursuit of power.

"I intend to marry the Lady Alicent Hightower before springsend." Darla's eyes darted to the Princess, savoring the shock that spread across her face. "I will also be taking my attendant, Darla, as my mistress," Viserys's hand stretched out as Darla moved closer, grinning as she took his hand. "From this day on she shall be known as Lady Darla."

Lord Corlys stood from his seat, anger etching across his skin. "This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm."

"And I am your King." The room was tense as Lord Corlys's eyes darted from Ser Otto to where Darla stood beside the King. Realizing he had lost, the Lord of Driftmark stormed from the room.

"Rhaenyra." Viserys called, reaching his other hand out to her.

Rhaenyra glared at her father for a moment before spinning on her heel and fleeing the chambers, spurning the King in her anger. Alicent's eyes darted between Viserys and her father before landing on Darla, eyes wide as she sought something she didn't know how to verbalize. Darla merely nodded, giving Alicent approval for whatever she wanted. At that Alicent followed in the Princess's footsteps, rushing from the room.

Sighing, Viserys dismissed the Small Council, turning back to the window. Darla watched him for a moment before speaking when she noticed Otto Hightower following the other lords out.

"I will speak to Rhaenyra, my King. Perhaps she will understand." Viserys nodded, lifting Darla's hand to brush his lips over her knuckles.

Darla flashed the man a bright smile before moving to the doors. As her foot crossed the threshold a voice spoke from beside her.

"Darla." Ser Otto spat her name out as if it pained him to speak it.

"It is Lady Darla now, or did you not hear His Grace."

"You may warm his bed but Alicent's son will sit the Iron Throne."

Darla hummed, pretending to ponder Otto's words. "Did your daughter never tell you?"

Otto's eyes narrowed. "Tell me what?"

"The night you sent her to the King's chambers she came so late I had thought she wished to join us," Darla smiles. "I suppose there is still time for that."

Laughter falls from Darla's lips as she steps away from the Hand, leaving the man behind in favor of finding Alicent.


The godswood welcomes Darla with a warm breeze, her eyes trailing over the small garden before landing on the Princess's pacing form. Alicent stands nearby begging her friend to speak to her, her normally soft voice thick with tears. Darla remains where she is watching the interaction.

Rhaenyra's steps falter, though she still refuses to look in Alicent's direction. "How long?"

Alicent only blinks at her, unsure of how to answer.

"How long have you hidden this from me?" Rhaenyra continues, finally turning to Alicent.

"My father, he-" A hiccup interrupts Alicent as tears began to fall down her cheeks. "He sent me to console him after your mother died."

"You seduced him." Rhaenyra spat, glaring at her former friend.

"No," Alicent exclaimed. "We only talked about history, about your mother and mine, about you. Never about a marriage."

"You were seeing him in his chambers, what did you think would happen?" A harsh chuckle bubbles up from Rhaenyra's lips. "You are no better than the whores of Fleabottom, than that bitch Darla."

"Not all of us having such an easy way doing only what we wish, only when we wish it. Sometimes we must do what we have to." Alicent snaps back before softening. "I had no choice and I suspect Darla didn't either."

"You are no different than her. A whore seeking out my father for your own gain. You could not even wait till my mother was dead to seduce him." Rhaenyra glances away for a moment before turning back her gaze sharper than ever. "My uncle was right about you, you are nothing more than a loose cunt."

At Alicent's soft cry Darla steps forward, moving to her side. "That is enough, Princess."

"Of fucking course." Rhaenyra mutters under her breath, glaring at Darla for a moment before storming back into the castle.

Darla slowly turned to Alicent, watching as the younger girl furiously attempted to wipe away her tears. Slowly as if scared to frighten her, Darla pulled Alicent into her, holding the auburn haired girl as her body shook with the force of her sobs.

"It's alright." Darla cooed, running a hand up and down Alicent's back in a soothing manner.

Tears beaded at the corners of Darla's eyes matching the ones in Alicent's pools of honey brown as Alicent returned the touch, holding Darla just as gently. Her mind emptied, realizing this was the first innocent touch she had felt since leaving the brothel she had called home. The first time in four years that someone had reached out to her without the intention of something more coming from it.

Slowly Alicent pulled away, wiping away the last of her tears. Darla ached to follow after her, to continue holding each other, but she followed Alicent's lead.

"Thank you." Alicent croaked out, flashing the older girl a watery smile.

"There is no need to thank me, we are not so different now."

Alicent's brow furrowed in question. "How so?"

"We are both women bound by duty," Darla explained. "Chained to the same man. You think I wished to warm the King's bed the first time?"

Alicent's lips parted in realization. "You are like me."

Darla nodded. "But I had no one to protect me, to shield me from the ways of men. I wish to be that for you," Darla reached out, holding her hand open for Alicent to take. The younger teen welcomed the touch, intertwining her warm fingers with Darla's cold ones. "I swear to you now that I will do everything I can to help you, to ease the burden."

"I promise to do the same." Alicent whispered, squeezing Darla's hand in hers.

AN: I just think they're cute


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