Chapter Eighteen

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The wheelhouse rocked slightly as it drove over the dirt road leading to the Kingswood. The mistress sat between the King and Queen. Viserys's arm wrapped around her waist, holding her against him. Darla reclined into the King's side, her feet had been brought up to rest on the cushion beside Alicent. Every other moment her toes would press into Alicent's thigh, seeking out the now familiar presence. The younger girl would glance towards Darla at each touch, flushing at the small smile sent her way.

"Well, isn't this splendid," Viserys spoke, smiling down at Darla when she glanced up at him. "The whole of our family off to celebration in the Kingswood."

"Quite, my love." Darla agreed, a cruel smirk pulled at her lips as she glanced to where Rhaenyra sat across the wheelhouse.

The carriage violently shook as it drove over a large hole in the road. Darla's gaze shot to Alicent as a sharp gasp slipped past Alicent's lips. The mistress pushed off of the King, reaching out for the Queen. Alicent grasped Darla's hand tightly, grimacing as she attempted to breathe through the pain. Darla's thumb gently caresses the back of Alicent's hand, attempting to soothe the younger girl.

Alicent flashes Darla a small smile, whispering words of thanks. Satisfied that Alicent was alright, Darla leans back into Viserys's welcoming touch.

"Should you be traveling in such condition?" Rhaenyra asked, a hint of concern now filling her voice as if she hadn't caused Alicent pain with her comments in the godswood.

"Are you concerned now?" Darla glares at Rhaenyra.

Alicent's fingers tap Darla's shin, silencing the protective mistress before addressing Rhaenyra. "The maesters' said that being out in nature would do me well."

"You will be with your own child sooner than late," Viserys spoke, holding his goblet to Darla's lips so she might taste the sweet wine. "And make me a proud grandsire."

"It's not so bad. The days are long but Aegon came quickly and without fuss," At Rhaenyra's glare, Alicent turned to Darla, bringing the older girl into the conversation once more. "How was it for you, Darla?"

"I disliked being with child very much," Darla spoke, coming to Alicent's aid even if she had been silenced only moments ago. "Though Viserys seemed to enjoy it very much." Darla laughed as Alicent blushed at her crude remark. Viserys's booming laughter joining her own bell like one. Her gaze flicked to where her son and his brother sat across the carriage, attended to by nursemaids on either side. "Children are," She paused, gaze softening as she watched Rhaemon play. "Rewarding in their own right, however."

Fingers grasped her chin, tilting her head back. Viserys ducked down, pressing a chaste kiss to Darla's lips. Her hands raised to rub at his jaw, a smile forcing its way to her lips as he pulled away. Viserys turned back to his daughter, grinning at her as if he had not just kissed his mistress in front of her and his wife. ""You should ride out with me today. Join in the chase."

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