Chapter Thirty-Five

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The midday sun lit up the small inner courtyard of the Red Keep as servants, courtiers, and knights bustled around and attended to their duties. The sound of grunts filled the air as the boys trained. Darla sat beside Viserys on a plush bench, watching as the king's sons trained alongside Rhaenyra's sons under Ser Criston's tutelage.

Viserys chuckled as Ser Criston instructed Prince Aemond, glancing over his shoulder to address his Hand. "This is the stuff, Lyonel. Lads that learn together, train together. Knock each other down, pick each other up. They will certainly form a lifelong bond, wouldn't you agree?"

"That is the hope, Your Grace."

Dark eyes trailed over the training field, studying each interaction between the boys. She stifled a smile as Viseryn brushed past Jacaerys, knocking the wooden sword from the younger boy's hand. Jace looked at his uncle in confusion as Viseryn pushed him out of the way, making space for Aemond to use the practice opponent.

"Don't stand too upright, my prince. You'll get knocked down." Ser Criston called.

Darla gaze flicked to Aegon, watching as he weaved and sun around his opponent. His movements were solely for show, attempting to impress those around him. Rhaemon practiced nearby. His movements were strong and assured, knocking the figure back with a swing of his sword.

As the straw dummy tipped over, Rhaemon looked up at the balcony, searching out his mother. He grinned up at Darla, lifting his hand in a silent greeting. Darla nodded, bringing her hands together to clap for her son.

"Aegon." A voice called causing them to turn around. "Rhaemon."

"We've won our first bout, Ser Criston." Aegon smirked, clasping a hand on Rhaemon's shoulder and pulling his brother towards the knight. "Our opponent sues for mercy."

"You shall have a new opponent then, My Lord of the Straw. Let's see if you can touch me." Rhaemon chuckled as his brother's face fell. "You and your brothers."

Ser Rickard coughed slightly, causing Darla to glance back at him. He slyly motioned to where a gold cloak hovered nearby, watching the training session. Darla leaned forward, catching Ser Criston's gaze. She subtly nodded to the large knight on the edge of the courtyard, pointing out Ser Harwin's presence.

The queen's sworn protector nodded as he picked up a training sword, motioning for Rhaemon, Aegon, Viseryn and Aemond to advance on him.

Aegon and Viseryn made the first moves, advancing quickly and aggressively towards Ser Criston. Though the knight barely budged, standing with one hand behind his back as he blocked the princes' blows. Aemond came to his brothers' aide, running straight at Ser Criston with his blade poised in front of him.

Rhaemon stood back, watching carefully as he took in Ser Criston's form, searching for a weak spot. His mind turning over and over, as he formed a plan. As Ser Criston pushed Aegon into Aemond, Rhaemon made his move. Swinging his blade, the prince aimed for Ser Criston's unprotected side, taking the man by surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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