Part 22. What does this lead me to?

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Tw!!! Alcohol and Drinking

*3rd person POV*

"She's getting stronger, Albus. Someone, if not herself, will find out soon what she is." Minerva speaks.

Albus dumbldore was looking into his pensieve, looking at what exactly. Not even he knows the answer to that. "Let them, let us. Let fate take its course."

"Albus, that is extremely dangerous."

"Yes well minerva, life is all about taking risks." Dumbldore says before standing and walking over to his desk.


You were back in your dormitory processing everything. Cedric won the second task. Everyone is safe. You almost kissed fred. How did this all happen so fast?

You let out a sigh and look towards your completed assignments ready to be turned into class tomorrow. Miss perfect student, well kinda you've always had really great grades and high intellect. Thanks mom! Not that your dad wasn't smart too though. You hear a quiet tap on your window and look to see your owl, y/o/n (your owl name).

You're quick to open the window, and untie the letter stuck to their foot. You glance over it. Autumn was inviting you to hang out for the day, later you would meet up with some of your and her friends. And after you would come with her to a party. Damn. I mean you two were friends but you hadn't realized how close of friends you were.

You open your wardrobe and get into some comfy clothing, it is going to be a long day. You also grabbed a dress for the party along with its accessories. You head out to meet her at the ravenclaw courtyard.

A few minutes later you arrive at her reading a book. She closes it once she sees you. "Took you long enough." She jokes.

"You try running across the entire school to get to a courtyard on the opposite side." You joke back.

"Ok true, so you ready?"

"As I'll ever be." She laughs before grabbing your arm pulling you outside towards a picnic blanket under a tree close to the black lake. The same tree you were reading under before the first task.

"I thought we could talk for a little while before everyone arrives." She says excitedly.

"What's with the instruments?" You ask, noticing multiple different kinds of instruments laid around. Some most definitely moved there by magic.

"Well you didn't think that when everyone got here we would just talk for hours did you? Now sit." She says patting the spot next to her. You gladly sit next to her, You both look at eachother and laugh randomly. "I haven't seen you in forever. What was it like being in the second task?"

"I don't remember being the victim but being underwater saving harry. I don't know, it just wasn't scary strangely. Everything sort of felt natural other than everything trying to kill me."

"That's.." You look at her, "I don't know if I should say weird or interesting." She laughs. Then you both fall into a comfortable silence before she breaks it.

"So...." She elongates not in an uncomfortable way but as if this is something she's been wanting to say for ages. You give her a stare, "Yes?" You ask warilly.

She glances around before saying, "You and fred?" with a smirk. Your face falls looking at her with shock. "I KNEW IT!" She yells jumping up. You are still sitting there processing what she said, "How?"

"You're not great at hiding it, anyways when did you two start?"

"There is no 'us two' "

"Oh please everyone can see there's something between you two!" She says giving you a really look.

Only Forever (Fred Weasley x Y/N Diggory) NO LONGER UPDATING REWRITE OUT SOONWhere stories live. Discover now