Chapter 26

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This thing called love
I just can't handle it
This thing called love
I must get 'round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love
- 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' by Queen

A few months went by before the actual wedding took place. Korra had grown a lot already and was almost one year old. She still couldn't produce any real words, but often shouted random sounds at things, which made both Neteyam and Aliyah feel incredibly proud. She also started bonding with Tuk, who acted surprisingly mature when it came to Korra. 
When they told everyone about the wedding, they were welcomed with exciting reactions. Kiri and Tsireya immediately started discussing Aliyah's outfit, who begged to keep it simple and comfortable. Tuk wouldn't stop shouting that she wanted to be the 'flower girl', as Jake had described it before. Lo'ak looked proud when he accepted the position of 'best man' to his older brother, and a smile came on Aliyah's face when she saw them hugging happily. 

Jake and Neytiri were also big fans of the wedding idea, especially Jake, whose face seemed to light up each time he told a story about how weddings happen. He was happy that his kids wanted to learn something about his old culture, and Aliyah swore she saw him wipe away a small tear after announcing the news. Ronal was hesitant at allowing such a tradition at first, but Tonowari and their children convinced her just enough so that she wouldn't be sulking the whole wedding. After a while, Aliyah noticed that Ronal was happy to be involved in the wedding and even gushed about the party that would happen after the ceremony.

Eventually, the whole clan spent months preparing the festivities, by creating decorations out of shells and pearls they collected in the ocean, having both Aliyah and Neteyam taste several types of food to see what they would like the most, and more. The couple never really wanted to make such a big deal out of this, but just wanted to celebrate their love and honor a tradition from Jake's old life. However, they saw how much everyone was enjoying the preparations, so they just went with it. Ma'ko, Kiri, and Tsireya even started creating some sort of forest decorations, so that they would feel more at home. Aliyah couldn't help but cry tears of happiness as she saw the luminescent leaves and flowers they tied together to form beautifully colored garlands. Working together for this wedding made the forest Na'vi feel more included in the village than ever, and it was like they didn't even look different.


The day before the wedding, Aliyah and Neteyam prepared themselves to visit her parents at the Spirit Tree. Korra was now old enough to join them, and Aliyah desperately wanted to let her meet her other grandparents. Neteyam held his daughter in front of him on his ilu, as Aliyah lead the way toward the Cove of the Ancestors. Korra had been taught to swim very early on in her life, and she was actually pretty good at it already. Tsireya made it her personal mission to make her the best swimmer there, and she and Lo'ak often took the baby for lessons as their dates. 

They approached the Spirit Tree, and dismounted their ilus. Neteyam handed Korra over to Aliyah, who had found the wavy creature that provided them with air underwater. She gently placed the creature on Korra's back, who squealed from excitement.
Aliyah laughed, "How does that feel? This sweet animal will help you breathe."
Korra tilted her head in a questioning manner, and Aliyah took a deep breath before diving under. Neteyam made eye contact with his daughter underwater, and signed, "Breathe, Korra."
They could see Korra take a deep breath, and her eyes widened as the girl realized she could just breathe as if they were still above the water's surface. Aliyah grinned at her mate, who nodded his head down toward the Spirit Tree. She followed him, holding their child close to her chest.

Excitement filled Aliyah's body, knowing she would be able to show off her daughter to her parents. She approached one of the pink floating leaves, intertwining her fingers with Neteyam's as she used her other arm to hold on to Korra. Neteyam used his free hand to connect both his mate's as well as Korra's braid to the Tree, before connecting his own. Their minds were warped to a new image: Aliyah's parents greeting them happily with bright smiles on their faces.
Aliyah's father gasped, "Is that her?" He slowly approached the couple, holding out his hands. Aliyah nodded before turning to her daughter, "Korra, these are your grandparents. This is your grandfather!"
The smiling man was new to Korra, but she felt his calming presence and soon grabbed one of his outstretched hands. Well, more like one of his fingers, as she was still quite small.
Aliyah's father laughed, "Oh, she's wonderful!"
Her mother joined them, "Hi, there! You're so lucky to be able to grow up in such a loving family." Aliyah turned toward Neteyam with a smile, but she saw his nervous expression. She nudged her head toward her parents, encouraging him. She handed Korra over to her father as she hooked her arm around Neteyam's.
Neteyam placed a hand on the older man's shoulder, "I have to ask you something. I know that your daughter and I have already mated for life, but we've decided to get married as they do on Earth." He politely bowed his head, "I want to ask both of you for your blessing."
Aliyah's mother and father shared a look for a few seconds, talking only with their eyes.
The kind older woman placed a hand on Neteyam's head, "Jake has told us stories about this 'marriage' from Earth. It is not in our tradition, but we realize it is important for you to connect with a part of your father's culture. You have our blessing."
Neteyam sighed in relief, "Thank you, this means a lot to me." He placed a hand around Aliyah's waist, "To us."
Aliyah smiled at her parents, "It really does mean a lot."

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