An Object

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The day I was born I was an object

I came into this world crying

Because I already knew the society I was born into

I learned at age five to keep my legs crossed

I learned at age six that "boys will be boys" meant that boys could do anything without consequences-

And girls were scolded on their behalf

I learned at age seven that when a boy throws you into a locker-

It's ok-

Because it means he likes you

I learned at age eight that no one respected your opinion if you were born a girl

I learned at age nine that I needed to cover up-

Even around family

I learned at age ten to be ashamed of my body

I learned at age eleven that men would always look at you like that-

Whether it was wanted or not

And at the age of thirteen I resented being born a girl

Because I was taught that as a girl-

I didn't matter

All because I was born female-

I was an object from the start

And I had no say in the matter

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