Chapter Five

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A/N: Woahhh, double update?! :O


He was running in the palace.

His mother and father chasing him.

"Get back here, SandWing lover!" His father called, his voice more angry than he'd ever heard.

He looked back as they slowly gained on him.

"I wish I'd never laid your egg, you failure!" His mother screamed.

He looked forward right as he fell into a pile of snow, half melted and sinking him lower and lower.

His sister, Icicle, landed the first hit.

Then his brother, Hailstorm, flew down and threw fire scorpions on him.

"Gah!" He screamed before his throat was sliced, no words further escaping his snout.

Then his Narwhal yelled, "you disappointment, can't even marry a lowly seventh circle like you, instead you run to another, other-tribe scum to date. And a boy at that"

His words stung worse than the scorpions, the gashes that now appeared all over his body, the words his siblings and his mother yelled.

But it was no where near what he saw when his head was forced up, and a familiar golden SandWing was flying overhead, away from the most viscous IceWing guards in the kingdom.

His screams filled the air as he was caught and killed immediately, his limp corpse landing infront of Winter and staring, glassy eyed at him.

He gasped.

He felt something warm wrap around him.

He felt cold, salty tears roll down his muzzle.

Then he heard Qibli talking.

"Winter, Winter, it wasn't real, it wasn't real, I don't know what happened, but it wasn't real. You're awake, in the cave, in Jade Mountain, with me and dragons all around you who will protect you"

Winter was gasping for breath, but he felt himself calming down as Qibli stayed close and whispered soothingly into his ear.

Maybe his dream was telling him something, maybe it was telling him that that would happen if he got too close to him. Maybe, just maybe, he could stop that.

So he pushed Qibli away.

He flew his wings out, while every bone, nerve and cell in his scales wanted to refuse, to cry into his shoulder and stay in his warmth for years.

But then, if anything like that dream ever occured, the world would be ruined.

The whole of Phyrria would lose something so precious they didn't even know they had.

Why am I thinking like this? That was a  stupid dream that has no significance. It's just like every other nightmare.

But it was so much worse.

He growled and jumped down, ignoring the stairs and immediately regretting it when his chest burned.

He looked over to the ledge where he knew his medicine laid, but reaching it would hurt him more than heal him, but walking would also hurt him.

He screamed at himself internally, trying his best not to explore the possibility of asking Qibli for help, knowing that would end in them having a conversation, and them being closer, and then he could die.

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