Chapter Twenty-Four

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Another day, another hell. was the first thought he had when he woke.

He groaned as he stood up, shaking himself off, spikes clanging against eachother.

Then when he was about to take a step to the pre-cut fruit Qibli had made, he looked down to see Feathers stood there shaking herself violently, her feathers around her ears puffed more than he'd ever seen them.

"Hmph" Qibli rejected, covering his eyes with his wings, "Lemme sleeeeep..."

"Qibli, we need to search again, it's already seven, it's quite light enough." Winter replied.

"MAMA ICEY ICEY RIGHT!!" The dragonet cheered, flapping her wings excitedly.

"Geez, does she only know how to scream?" Qibli laughed, sitting up to gently rub his eyes while Winter brought him a cantaloupe and a few bananas.

"Hopefully she learns how to speak normally." Winter joked, watching her perfectly skin a kiwi like he had taught her.

"She's a fast learner, did you realize?" He asked, watching them both eat as he reinforced the satchel after the long flight.

"Huh, yeah, I guess she is" He finally noticed, "And I mean, she's flying at a MONTH OLD, GRACEFULLY at that!"

"It's insane! Maybe it's something to do with her tribe." Winter said.

"I mean, it has to be. But where's the rest of her tribe? Where do they live? What's their tribe name even called?!" He ranted, finishing his fruit and stepping to Winter, carefully peeling back a small bit of the bandage, which revealed a halfway healed gash and an entire chest full of black stained blood, unrecognizable as the sapphire blue blood he had only a week ago.

"Two days, we need to more thoroughly investigate wherever you feel that sudden rush of adrenaline, you said. Instead of just flying across that area let's land down and look, because we've had no luck flying mindlessly through this forest." He summarized, nodding to Winter when they were both ready to take off.

And then they were off.

Flap. Up. Flap. Down. Flap. Left. Flap. Right. Flap. This. Is. Boring. Flap.

When only two hours later he soared low to grab Feathers a fruit and felt like every disease he ever had was lifted from his body, he almost jumped with joy.

"QIBLI! Over here!" He called to him, and before he could catch her Feathers floated down to the ground, rolling in the largest mint patch he had ever seen.

He gasped when he walked into it, every weight on his body almost felt lifted, floating as weightless as Feathers looked when she flew.

"I-" He choked on his words, sitting down and scrunching his face at it.

"IT WAS FRICKING MINT?!?" He roared, running in circles around the patch until he finally collapsed in it, Feathers coming to jump on him moments later.

Qibli was laughing in relief and shock, a wide smile plastered across his face the entire time.

"We passed a huge area of mint RIGHT WHEN WE LEFT!" He yelled in exasperation, starting to rip the bandages from his chest to see if anything was happening.

"How is mint the antidote?!" He sighed, Qibli coming over to help take it off.

"I don't kno- woah" He interrupted himself, looking at the spot where only mere hours earlier it was pitch black, to now only spots coated himself.

"What- It's- Am I going to- I can't-" He stuttered, looking down at himself and brushing a claw over the gash which was healing well.

The splint on his leg, which he had gotten used to, had come loose over the days and he finally took it off to reveal it was almost fully healed.

"WHAT?!" He couldn't fathom whatever this wild reality of his was, Feathers coming to look at his still slightly poor arm, pouting and pushing it to the ground.

"Feathers, what're you doing?" Qibli said kindly, but she ignored him.

She put her tiny talons over a cut, closing her eyes and snuggling into his body, and a concentrated yet relaxed look settled over her before sparks out from her paws, a cold sizzling feeling overcoming his entire arm as it landed on the slice.

Qibli took a step back and Winter flinched, but didn't dare touch her.

"Mmm Icey Icey.." She muttered, then a white beam of light shot from her talons, forcing them to blink rapidly.

But in only the second they blinked, she had stopped and his entire arm was healed fully, and she was asleep, passed out maybe.

They both just stared in shock before he stood up and tested it, and it felt as good as it ever had been.

"That's- That's what it looked like when I was uhm- taken" He stuttered, confused at what emotions he was supposed to feel.

Shocked? Grateful? Happy? Concerned?

He was about to speak when leaves rustled about 10 feet away from them, and they only saw eyes flash before they disappeared.

"RainWing- Show yourself!" Qibli shouted, poising his venomous barb as Winter went to cover the dragonet, who was breathing normally and had a peaceful look on her face as she slept.

Colors flashed as the other dragon revealed their colors stepping down, opened their mouth to speak, then screamed in agony.

Unnamed POV

As dragons continued with their normal day, a poor, sad white and orange yearling sat in a dark cellar, chains around her mouth, neck and wings with metal blocks covering her front paws and horns, head hung low and stomach grumbling in the cold.

"Squeak squee squawk squawk." One of her captures said, to which another respond "SKAWK SQUEE SQUEE SQUAWK."

Something colliding with the wall beside her thudded, causing her to flinch and whimper, knowing anger would be taken out on her soon.

The gorgeous but mangled blue dragon she had been used on stayed in her mind in the dark, whispering silence she sat in.

He seemed to have given up, and she knew how it hurt. She knew how it stung. She knew how it burned.

Her whole body felt sticky thinking about it, her claws weren't hers when she sat there blasting the worst of her powers at the poor, helpless dragon.

Dust stuck to her tail, stiff feathers pinned against the white scales on her body.

She was in an awful condition, bruised and scratches littered her body, her once gorgeous orange wings with hot pink spots lay on the ground, one broken and hung at an odd angle.

The squeaks of the magical tiny animals(Who were a lot smarter than they looked) came closer, and she mentally braced herself for what was to come.

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