Chapter Seven

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Winter woke up, and was pleased to realize that one, he didn't have any nightmares.

Two, he was sleeping with Qibli.

Don't take that the wrong way.

Qibli was sleeping with his wing over Winter, their tails twined, and his head laid under the SandWing's.

He sighed contentedly as he shifted slightly, trying his best not to wake up Qibli.

His stomach felt full, his chest still hurt, but it wasn't as bad as the other day, and his and Qibli's natural temperature made an amazing middle that made Winter never want to move out of.

Then, he remembered the dare.

He jolted up, accidentally waking Qibli.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He apologized, shifting on his talons like Qibli always did.

"Whaaaatttttt?" Qibli groaned, covering his eyes and snout with his paws.

"Er- nothing," Winter lied, wishing Qibli had forgotten about the dare.

He snuggled back into Qibli's warmth and tucked his head under the SandWing's once more, smiling at the safety he felt.

He felt an oddly comfortable warmth, something he'd surely be shamed for in the Ice Kingdom, and a weird sense of protection, that at a moments notice if Icicle, —or one of his family members— were to walk in, Winter would be completely safe as long as Qibli was by his side.

And he really hoped that was true, because their first class was with the Gold Winglet, her winglet, sadly.

"Winter, remember the dare?" Qibli mumbled, not moving his claws.

Winter groaned, thinking of course he had to remember. It's Qibli. Of course he won't forget.

"Ugh, sadly, yes." Winter replied, rolling his eyes.

Qibli lifted his head just enough for Winter to see his wide grin, and he couldn't help but give his own version of it back.

He snorted when Winter attempted a grin, his chest vibrating against his scales, making him shiver.

"You okay, Winter?" Qibli stopped immediately, looking down at him.

Winter smiled, "Yes, I'm fine, why?"

"Nothing!" Qibli started, "I just had a weird dream last night... You were in the Sand Kingdom and my gr- Vulture, was er- you- heh–" Qibli stuttered, and Winter wrapped his talons around Qibli's, tightening their tails.

Winter had never comforted anyone, let alone be comforted himself besides the few times by Qibli, so he didn't really know what to do.

It just felt natural, though, to do this, and Winter couldn't explain why, it just did.

Qibli took a deep breath and continued, "Vulture had you captured in this big, barred cage and was wheeling you into the prison of his where-" He stopped again.

"You don't have to continue whatever it is," Winter reassured, really hoping whatever he was doing was making it a tiny bit better.

"No, it was a dumb dream, it's fine." He replied. "His prison is where he wheels off dragons who are special, like maybe a dragon he's trying to manipulates mate, or a trader's partner to coax them into doing whatever he wants because.. everyone that goes in..." He trailed off, taking another deep breath.

"Anyone that goes in- they never come out, or they come out insane." He rasped.

Winter gasped and held Qibli's claws tighter, scooching closer to him.

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