Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I know Anemone and Tamarin are in separate Winglets, but for the sake of plot, ships, and just making the story easier for me to write(lol), they will be in the same Winglet and  will be Clawmates.


She stood chest deep in the pool under the mountain only she knew about, her talons clenching wickedly against her will.

This sick feeling bubbled in a deep, unknown place in her soul as she watched her claws curl, uncurl, curl, uncurl.

This started happening earlier that day, only minutes before the fire.

They carried her to the room where the fire started, and she was only a step away from entering the room when the fire exploded.

Her talons furled evilly, and almost against her will she parted from the RainWing Tamarin, walking in the direction of a random cave.

She didn't know what was happening.

She knew she didn't want to go.

She didn't understand why this was happening.

Maybe her Animus powers were telling her something.

They were bringing her to a room, this mountain was her destiny, she needed to go.

But.. something was off.

Something was terribly wrong, something hidden deep where she couldn't even place a claw on it.

But she couldn't have been any more wrong, because only a step away a loud craaaaacckkkk was heard in the room, and barely a second later the room let out a burst of heat, yellowy-orange flames sprouting from the cave.

She jumped back, running at the fastest speed she could muster as she smelled, heard and saw the flames exploding around her.

'Tamarin' she thought desperately,q making a last second decision to jump back a few steps, her tail being hit by blazing heat as she backtracked, taking a turn in the direction of the RainWing.

She panted when she found the spot they were speaking, Tamarin about to say something when suddenly the itching, burning feeling arose in her paws.

She was nowhere to be seen, so she ran to the nearest exit, hoping the other did the same.

Her mind ran in a cycle of, 'Tamarin, nearest exit, Tamarin,".

She kept trying to distract herself from thinking about the blind dragon accidentally tripping over something, or someone, in a panic to escape, flames scouring over every scale as she screamed, scales going rapid colors, then pale, then nothing.

Light water was brought to her eyes as the image repeated, and she accidentally took a wrong turn somewhere, because she ended up in her and Tamarins shared cave, jumped in the signature RainWing hammock.

Her talons grasped onto the fabric once she realized what she was doing, having to rip small pieces from the cloth upon standing.

Then everything happened in a blur that Anemone couldn't even remember what happened in what order next.

But she'd managed to escape while only grabbing once thing, despite her brain screaming grab everything! Everything you can! EVERYTHING!

The one thing she'd grabbed was Tamarin's sloth, Daffodil, who was a light silver-y grey, almost white when it was held in the light.

But the sloth had always found daffodils in the Rainforest, making elaborate necklaces and crowns for herself.

She wrapped Daffodil around her neck, running the halls to the closest escape, which was by the bell.

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