Chapter 10
(A/N: Abbe will now be referred to as Ash or Ashton)
The Headmistress had just announced that there would be a ball held the night before they left for Christmas which was only one week away and this week was a Hogsmeade weekend. Today was Friday and classes had already finished. Miss Ashton Potter was now sitting in her room working on a Potions Essay on the Wolfsbane Potion and the effects on a werewolf. This was easy for her because she had lived with one for two months. She heard the portrait hole open and thinking that it was Eli she walked down the steps towrdas the common room. She gave a dramatic sigh and said "What do you want Eli? I am working on a potions essay."
"Fine, I'll just be leaving then." Recognizing the sound of the persons voice she ran up to them and hugged them while shouting "Harry!"
"Hey Sis, are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend, for a dress of course." Harry asked her.
"Of course, even if I am going alone I still need a dress. Wait, you aren't suppose to be in here. You could get in serious trouble if someone saw you here." Ashton said harshly as she started to push him towards the door. Suddenly the portrait started to open and Ashton changed her direction and started heading towards the steps to her room instead. She opened the door to her room and pushed him in. She walked back down the steps to find Eli standing there with a smile. She smiled back but was slightly confused.
"Hey, what are you doing here Mr. Smiles-a-lot?" Ash asked with an amused grin on her face. Eli blushed and smiled back. He looked like he was trying to ask her something but, just couldn't. Seeing this she walked up to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey are you okay?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. Eli nodded and opened his mouth and said,
"Willyougototheballwithme?" very quickly.
"Sorry, didn't quite catch that." Ashton replied chuckling slightly.
"Will-you-go-to-the-ball-with-me?" He said perfectly spacing out the words so she was able to clearly understand what he was asking. She gave him a shocked look and decided to have a little fun. Putting a disgusting look on her face, she sneered and said
"Why would I want to go with you?" The look on his face changed to hurt and he looked as if he was ready to walk out then and there. But, instead he decided to speak up for himself.
"Well, sooorry. I was under the impression that you liked me." He said with a twinge of anger and hurt in his voice. Ashton had not expected him to reply back but decided to do what she had planned to do in the first place.
"Eli! I was just kidding! Of course I'll go with you!" She said happily brightening the atmosphere. He was so happy about her saying yes he ran over to her and hugged her tight. Taking in her smell he noticed that she smelt like strawberries and vanilla, very similar to cake.
"Well, I have to go see Professor Vector about some Arithmancy homework. See ya." Eli said as he walked out the door with a grin on his face. Ashton smiled to herself and yelled up to Harry.
"Harry! I know you were eavesdropping. You can come down now." Ash yelled up to her twin who was just like their father. He walked down the steps with a smile on his face. "Now, go ask Ginny to the ball! I have to write a letter to Mum." She said as she pushed him out the door. She sighed and ran up to her room to grab a quill and some parchment. She sat down at the desk in the common room and started writing. Not less then five minutes later she was finished with her letter. She went to the Owlery, where Hedwig was, and sent the letter off.
Lily's POV
She was sitting on the couch reading a book she had found in the library while staying at Potter Manor. There was a sudden tap on the window and she looked to find Harry's owl, Hedwig sitting just outside the window. "James, come here we have a letter from Ashton and Harry!" She yelled up the staircase. James came running down the stairs, like a little kid on Christmas morning. He opened the window and let Hedwig in. she sat on his shoulder and he handed Lily the letter to read out loud. She opened it up and noticed Ash's handwriting. She read,
"Dear Mum,
First off i don't even know why I put dear mum because you are probably reading this to dad. Anyways, the person I have fancied for a long time asked me to the ball! His name is Eli and he is the most amazing person ever! The point of this letter is to ask if you (and maybe dad) would like to go with me to Hogsmeade tomorrow to find a dress for the ball! Hope to see you there!
" looks like we are going back to Hogwarts" James said with a mischievous smile on his face. Lily just shook her head and walked upstairs for hopefully a good nights sleep.