Chapter 28: The preparation...

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Our visit to Cebu was quick, although there were many issues resolved, many comments being addressed also people being exhorted, overall it was fruitful and uplifting.

My parents returned home three days before me. The three days left, I spent with Lois, her father, and her sister together with some of her cousins and the brethren who hosting us.

We went to Guadalupe Cebu, the place where the house seems just stick in the mountain, we went up to Lois' cousin's house almost crawling, and when we reached the top, the roof of other houses was like our footstool.

We ate lunch there, they prepared fish that was cooked in coal, duck stew, and fish escabeche. And after, we went to the top of the mountain for photos.

The place was simple, it's overlooking the city and has many paths for people to walk, the grass was well-maintained reason why many people visit there, and even made some pictorials for different events.

The night before my departure I was sitting on the stairs of the second-story house with Lois where we stayed, we were discussing my possible visit in the coming December.

Then our discussions reach into how we imagined our wedding day and our marriage life.

"What is your dream wedding?" I asked her because I always believe that a wedding is mostly about the bride, they are the star of the ceremony and as for me, I want to do her a dream wedding.

"I want my wedding to be simple, if there is one thing I would never negotiate in my wedding that will be my gown."

"Your gown?" it was something strange for me, all brides have their list to be in perfection or the way they want it to be but her, it's her gown "what will happen to your gown?" I ask further.

"I want it to be super white, I don't want a dirty white gown or yellowish, etc. I only want white, pure white" she said firmly.

"Okay, super white then," I said taking notes in my mind to discuss it with my mom as I plan to get her wedding gown in the US "What else?"

"I want to have lots of flowers and of course all
my family should be there"

"Of course, of course! I agree with you"

In the end, we made preliminary plans for our wedding but knowing that in six months I will come back again, we did not talk more about the subject.

The next day, was my departure to California and their departure to Davao. While waiting my flight I was writing to my mom.

"Mom, I need you to do me a favor"_

"Okay, what is it?"_

"Can you check a wedding gown for Lois?"_

"Yes, Dad and I will take care of that, we will contact her directly about it. You stay away from it" _

I frown but then I remember, I was not allowed to see her gown.

" Okay, but I will pay for it"_

"Forget about it."_

"Has your flight get delayed?"_

"No, but I came here three hours before my flight"_

"Okay son, God bless you. Take care always."_

"Thank you, Mom"_


The next day, I arrived well, our time difference helped me to gain time. The flight was smooth and manageable. The time when I arrived at my apartment, Lois and her parents were already in their house.

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