We Get An Idea

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Before I could catch up with Percy and the others, I felt someone punch me in the back.

"What the hell was that, (Y/N)? You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"'Meda, I've been practicing that. I was pretty confident it would work."

She frowned. "Still. It was risky."

I smiled at her. She was cute when she got all worried like this. "Darling, we are going to run into things a hell of a lot more dangerous than those bulls. If I don't push my limits now, it'll just get me killed in the long run. I promise you I won't do anything I don't think I can do safely. Promise."

Andromeda sighed and gave me a quick kiss. "Ugh. I hate how easily you can get me to agree."

"Surely that's a good thing?" I said, laughing.

"For you maybe! For me it just means all my carefully crafted arguments go to waste!"

I smiled. "They don't. I take them into account, I promise. Lets go now, I want to meet that cyclops Percy brought with him."

Andromeda raised an eyebrow. "Cyclops? He has two eyes last I checked."

I was confused for a second before I realized what was going on. "Mist is strong around him for some reason. I can still see through it, though, and from how Annabeth is looking at him I'm pretty sure she can too. Just focus real hard on his face when you get a chance, and you should be able to see through it, especially now that you know what you're looking for. Come on now. Before any more surprises show up. I've had enough for one day."

We went over to where the others were. Percy was bent over, catching his breath, and Annabeth was glaring at the kid they'd brought with them, the cyclops. I gulped. See, Annabeth didn't much like cyclopes. She had run into a lair in Brooklyn on her way to camp and had nearly been eaten by them. Personally, I found her attitude a bit overly hateful. I'd get being somewhat afraid, perhaps, but cyclopes are surprisingly human. They're no more inclined towards being evil than any human being is. Some are horrible, sure, but plenty of others are just fine. And this new kid seemed fairly nice so far. Hadn't tried to eat anyone yet, at least. I stepped between the two of them.

"Ahem. Annabeth."

She glared at me. "Don't you start this."

I raised my hands. "Woah, I haven't even said anything yet. All I was gonna ask is how you three are? Who's the new guy by the way?"

Annabeth sighed. "Fine, more or less. And his name is Tyson, apparently, he's a-"

I interrupted her. "Cyclops, I know. Just try to be nice about it, please? He's not done anything wrong as far as I know."

Percy yelped in surprise. "What! How did I not..."

I groaned. "Mist, Percy. You must never have looked closely enough. You really should learn to do that, could save your life one day, you know?"

Percy just stared at me. "Where's Chiron?"

I pursed my lips. "Yeah. About that."

Clarisse jumped in. "He got fired."

Percy's eyes went wider than I'd ever seen. "FIRED? But... why? How? He's had this job for thousands of years."

I gestured to Thalia's tree, and Percy's eyes went even wider when he saw the yellowing pine needles.

He spoke in a low, almost fearful voice. "H... how?"

I sighed. "Nobody knows for sure. It got poisoned somehow. I've tried everything I can think of, I can't even tell what kind of poison it is. Chiron and Andromeda had no more luck than I did. He got blamed, though. I reckon he's been pushing the gods too hard about Kronos and their minds immediately went to him as a suspect. He's still around, I think. Said he'd be leaving today though."

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 2 (Percy Jackson Reader-Insert)Where stories live. Discover now