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As we walked towards the dining area, I told Andromeda about my conversation with Athena, leaving out what she had said about her.

"Seems like a lot of the gods trust you now, huh?"

I blushed slightly, a bit embarrassed. "Some, I guess. I haven't the faintest idea why."

She smirked a bit. "You've done a lot over the past year. I bet word got out about it among them."

"I don't exactly like it. It's a hell of a lot of pressure to put on a 13 year old kid. I've got what, two gods now asking me to keep an eye on their kids?"

"I don't think that was quite what my dad asked you to do. And don't act like you wouldn't be keeping an eye on me anyway. Same with Annabeth."

I sighed. "Yeah. Just feels a bit different when Athena of all people asks me to. She's a bit intimidating."

"Fair enough. Come on now, we've got to eat!"

That night, I was awoken by someone shaking my arm.

"Y/N! Y/N!"

I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Annabeth? What..."

"We're going. Now."

I sighed. "I'm assuming 'Meda already knows?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier."

I jumped up and grabbed some things. Thankfully, I didn't need all that much. I had a bunch of cash my (mortal) parents had given me a few weeks earlier, a bag of miscellaneous supplies I kept ready just in case, and some spare clothes. That should be enough, at least I hoped.

"Alright, come on."

Me and Annabeth went outside, where we found Andromeda already waiting for us.

"Hey, theres something going on down at the beach. Not sure what."

I sighed. Knowing demigod luck, this was no coincidence. "Well we'd better check it out. Something tells me it's related to what we're doing."

We rushed down to the beach, where we found Percy and Tyson waiting with a couple blue duffle bags. Annabeth approached, a bit confused.

"What are you two doing here? I thought I was gonna meet you at your cabin?"

Percy shrugged. "Hermes had other plans."

"Hermes? What..."

At that moment, we heard a loud screech from behind us, towards the cabins. The security harpies.

I spun back around towards the ocean. "Percy, do some of your Aquaman stuff, if you don't mind? We should probably get out of here."

Percy sighed and turned to the sea. "Uh, dad? Could use some help right now, I think..."

We stood there for a moment, as the harpies came closer. I could swear I could hear them talking about 'tasty demigod', but honestly I wasn't even sure they could talk. Suddenly, Tyson cried out.

"Fish ponies!"

I turned back to the ocean, and there, ten feet or so away from us, were three large... creatures? They looked like a mix between manatees and horses. Kind of cute, actually, if a bit strange looking.

"Hippocampi!" Cried Annabeth, excitedly.

Percy smiled a bit. "Thanks dad."

We quickly got on, bringing the duffle bags that I assumed Hermes had left for us along with us. Annabeth seemed a bit concerned about Tyson tagging along, but I shot her a glare that pretty clearly told her to keep quiet about it. We rode off into the gloom and fog of the night, the sea thankfully relatively calm, which I assumed was also Poseidon's doing. I'd have to remember to make a sacrifice to him the next time I ate, he'd really helped us out that night. My thoughts were interrupted by Percy mumbling.

"He said it should be somewhere out here... there!"

I squinted my eyes at where Percy was pointing. Sure enough, through the fog, I saw the lights of what soon revealed itself to be a... cruise ship?

"Did Hermes charter us a Caribbean cruise? My stepmom once said those were horribly unhealthy. Viruses spread like wildfire on them..."

Percy sighed. "Look, we'll just have to be careful. Its the best way for us to get where we need to be."

We approached the ship, feeling a bit like those Somalian pirates you see on the news sometimes. It had a big statue of a woman on the front, and big golden lettering that read Princess Andromeda.

I gave 'Meda a joking nudge. "Hey, they named it after you!"

She rolled her eyes and lightly slapped my shoulder. "Come on, we've got to get on before someone sees us."

Unfortunately, there wasn't really a good spot for us to climb on. Thats where my bag came in handy. I pulled a long rope out of it, and used a bit of magic to send it flying up to the side, where I tied it off on a railing.

Annabeth groaned. "You can't seriously expect us to climb up that..."

"I'll go last. I can use magic to catch you if you fall. Probably."

Percy jumped up. "Well. I've got no better ideas, so..."

Fortunately, we all made it aboard without issue. Andromeda will tell you that I almost slipped, but thats not true. Promise. We rushed inside before anyone noticed that a bunch of kids had just climbed up out of the ocean, carrying our bags with us, and found a couple empty rooms I was able to open using magic. We settled in, and laid down to rest. It had been a long day, after all.

However, my rest was interrupted. As soon as I drifted off to sleep, I found myself in one of those weird dreams-but-not-dreams again. I looked around. This didn't look much like any of the ones my mom had used in the past.

"Hey kid."

I spun around, a bit shocked. Standing a couple feet away was a guy who looked, well, a lot like Luke.

"H... Hermes?"

"The one and only!"

I sighed. "What is it, sir?"

"It's about Luke. I got to talk to Percy about it earlier, but you weren't there yet, so..."

"Listen. With all due respect, Luke... Luke is gone. I don't know who or what he is now, but it isn't the Luke you know. I'm sure Percy told you the same thing."

Hermes sighed and nodded softly. "I know. He's changed. But... the good side of him, the side Annabeth knew, it is still there. It's just... hidden. Tucked away in the recesses of his mind, overwhelmed by his anger and hate."

"Why, though? Why is he like this? Why just... turn like that?"

"I screwed up. I always have, us gods are powerful, not perfect. If anything, our power makes us less perfect than most humans. But I screwed up big time with Luke. I don't necessarily know what I could have done better, but make no mistake. What I did drove him to where he is today."

I frowned. "I... I'm not entirely sure I get what you mean. What did you do to him?"

"You'll find that out in time. As strange as it seems, it isn't my place to tell you. And certainly not the right time. But all I ask, all I plead, is that you give him the chance to change. Don't take any unnecessary risks, but please. Allow him the opportunity to fix what he has done. It's more important than you could ever realize."

I pursed my lips, a bit concerned. "I... I'll try. But like you said. I'm not going to take any dumb risks. I've made a promise, and I intend to keep it."

He smiled softly. "To Andromeda, right? Good. You'd better keep it. I don't intend to make you do otherwise, at least. You're a good kid, Y/N. Your mother is very proud of you, and with good reason. I just wish..." he trailed off for a moment.

"Yes sir?"

"No matter. I won't keep you any longer, you need your rest. Just promise me you'll give Luke the chance to change. He deserves that much, after what I did to him."

I nodded. "I will, Lord Hermes. I promise."

He smiled, a bit wider this time. "Good. Now go on, get your sleep. You'll need it tomorrow."

With a wave of his hand, I drifted back off to sleep. What did he mean by I'd need it? I didn't like that sentence very much. I'd heard it far too many times just before something bad happened.

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 2 (Percy Jackson Reader-Insert)Where stories live. Discover now