I Become a Spy

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We got back to camp later that day. The Centaurs had some weird magic that let us travel REALLY fast while we were on their back. No cool Star Wars style hyperdrive effect unfortunately, but hey, you can't have everything. Once we had placed the Fleece on Thalia's Tree and I confirmed that the magic was restoring itself, Chiron led me back to the Big House to talk.

"Well. Y/N. I do hope you are doing well? Or at least as well as could be expected after all that?"

I smiled lightly. "I'm pretty much fine, actually. Didn't even really get hurt this time! Bit of a step up from the last two in that regard, I'd say."

He smiled, but his face remained serious.

"I never like this talk. Always hate giving it. Never feels... right."

My smile faded. "Chiron? Is everything alright? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

My mind was racing. Maybe he found out about that prank me and the Stolls had pulled a month or so before I left on my quest. But surely he couldn't be that upset over us replacing all the mustard in his fridge with yellow mayonnaise? This seemed... more serious than that.

"No. Not at all, Y/N. Far from it, in fact. If anything, you have done too well. The gods have taken notice of your deeds and wish your attendance when I give them an update on how your quest went."

I tilted my head to the side, confused. "Surely that is a good thing, though? I'd like to think having them think well of me is a positive development, no?"

He smiled grimly. "It is. But it isn't at the same time. Them thinking well of you and inviting you to a council meeting means they likely intend to ask something of you. That's dangerous for you. I don't like sending someone as young as you into more danger. Especially with all you have already been through."

I sighed. He had a point. Divinely appointed missions were hardly ever a walk in the park. I knew enough by now to recognize that.

"With all due respect, sir, we are effectively at war now. With a threat that is older than the gods themselves. And I'm a major part of this war, no matter how much I wish I could ignore it. I'm not entirely sure how much more dangerous my life can get. It's not like Kronos isn't already after me. Every time I step outside the borders of this camp I get reminded of that. And a few too many times inside this camp. Whatever mission they have for me, I can handle it. I have to."

Chiron thought for a moment. "I believe you may be correct. I... it has been too long since we faced a threat such as this. I may have forgotten what it is like for a demigod to be thrust into it. You have a tendency to mature surprisingly quickly. You truly are ok with it then?"

I shrugged. "I mean, I'm not particularly elated. But if it'll help beat Kronos then I'm damn well gonna do what I can. It's the only choice I have. He's coming for me either way. I might as well try to get ahead of him."

He smiled and stood. "Very well then. Shall we?"

I smiled and followed him to the van. Two or so hours later, we were on Olympus, about to enter the throne room.

"Are you ready, Y/N?"

I smirked. "Is it possible to be ready? At least entirely?"

He smiled back. "Perhaps not."

With that, he pushed the door open. The gods were all there. Well, except for Artemis and Ares. Ares I understood, he probably still didn't like me much, and could just get the notes from the meeting in some sort of godly email. Did the gods have email? I'd have to ask my mom that at some point. Regardless, the meeting went about as expected. I got some approving nods at certain points of the story, particularly from Hermes when he heard of my encounters with Luke (although Zeus did glare at me a bit when I told him about me convincing Andromeda to spare him). When it was all over, the gods convened for a moment, muttering words I couldn't quite catch. A minute or so later, they turned back to face me and Chiron. Zeus, as expected, spoke for them.

"Boy! You have done us a great service, and we thank you for it. Without you and your friends, our children would have all been in grave danger. But alas, the danger is not yet all past. Luke and... his master still lurk out there. They have been delayed, but not stopped. And make no mistake. They will push on. You must continue your efforts at halting their progress. And as part of that, we have a task that we would ask of you, if you would be willing to accept it."

I nodded reverently. "Of course, Lord Zeus. What is it you would ask?"

"Many of our children, particularly those of minor gods, have disappeared as of late. From what you have told us, it appears that at least some have joined with Luke and his allies. That is a grave concern to us. Luke and his master having more demigods on his side makes them more dangerous in the short term. It gives them more tools with which to wreak havoc, both in the mortal world, and, more importantly, in our world. We would ask that you keep an eye out at camp. Inform Chiron and, through him, us, of any you suspect of harboring sympathies for Luke's cause."

I frowned. "You're asking me to spy on my friends?"

Zeus leaned forward slightly. "You object?"

I quickly shook my head. "Not entirely. But I believe I need to make one thing clear. Many have some sympathy for Luke. For what it's worth, I'm one of them. With all due respect, you have not been... perfect. Some of those who sit on the council with you have admitted as such. Having sympathies for Luke, having problems with your rule, does not mean that we are about to up and join him. What he's doing is wrong, and I fully believe that everybody at camp agrees with me on that. I will accept your request, on the condition that I only be obligated to inform Chiron and you if I believe someone is supportive of Luke's actions. I am willing to swear upon the Styx to that. But I will not report my friends for believing that you have done some wrongs that need to be righted. If you wish to take action on that, you'll have to start with me."

Zeus sighed. "Very well. I suppose that is acceptable. But you must swear it upon the Styx."

I nodded. "I swear upon the Styx, and upon my very soul, that I shall inform Chiron and the council of any demigods I believe to be supportive of Luke's actions or to be allied with Kronos."

Thunder roared above and below me.

Zeus smirked slightly. "You are an intriguing case, boy. Very much so. On behalf of the council, you are dismissed. Thank you for your service."

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 2 (Percy Jackson Reader-Insert)Where stories live. Discover now