Hostage Situation

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The next morning we woke up early. Thankfully, nobody who worked for the cruise line had noticed we were there, so there was no awkward explanations to make. As far as they were concerned, we were just regular passengers. Unfortunately, the other passengers weren't exactly regular. They were mortal, I could tell that much, but they were all acting extremely weird, as if they were in some sort of trance. Frankly, it was quite disturbing. We tried to talk to a few of them, but they all just kept moving, mumbling about how much they were enjoying their cruise. Eventually, I had had enough.

"This isn't right, guys. We should get going."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow at me. "Get going? How, exactly? We're in the middle of the ocean."

"We could just steal a lifeboat. Not like we haven't done anything illegal before on a quest."

"And then?"

"Did you forget we have Percy here?"

"Uh, Y/N, I don't actually know if I can do anything like that. I've never really tried."

"Then I'll figure something out. We need to go though, this place gives me the creeps."

The others reluctantly agreed. I didn't blame them for hesitating. So far, this was paradise compared to last year's quest. But it wasn't safe to stick around. Whatever was causing the passengers to act weird was not something I wanted to be around. We rushed back to our rooms and grabbed what we could, and began making our way to the lifeboats. About halfway there, Tyson suddenly yanked us into a side corridor.


I frowned but listened. If Tyson had the senses most mythical creatures had, it was a good idea to heed his warning on this. Sure enough, we soon heard voices in the hall we were just in. They made their way past where we were hiding and went into the nearest door, where we could no longer hear them. However, Tyson had us covered.

"I smell something. Something different. New demigods."

Suddenly, his voice had changed into a deep, gravely tone similar to whatever had been speaking in the hall. I knew cyclopes could mimic speech, but this was frankly a bit disturbing. What was more disturbing, however, was what voice came out next. It was Luke's.

"Your senses are just going haywire. Nobody could have snuck aboard without me knowing."

Annabeth's eyes went wide, and I could tell what she was thinking. She wanted to talk to him, try to convince him to abandon Kronos. She looked at me, pleading for me to allow it. Apparently, I'd been voted unofficial leader at some point. I firmly shook my head. Now was not the time to confront him, with just the five of us alone on a boat with gods know what monsters infesting it. A new voice came.

"Wait. Is that..."

"Tyson! Stop! They'll..."

"Well look what we have here."

I took a deep breath and turned around. Standing there, blocking our path, was Luke himself. Percy's face went red with rage.

"Back off Luke. It's five against one. You don't stand a chance."

Suddenly, I heard Andromeda squeak behind me. I spun back around, and to my horror, saw her being held in a chokehold by a massive beast, seemingly half bear, half man. I quickly summoned my blade, but hesitated as the monster tightened its grip on her neck.

"I wouldn't do that, Y/N. Unless you want poor little Andromeda to get her neck snapped."

I turned to glare at Luke, rage filling me. It took all the strength I had to not charge him right there. I had to stop myself though. If I did anything, Andromeda would be killed. I needed to think of a plan.

"Thank you Agreius. Oreius, you mind taking one of the others?"

Another beast, similar to the first, grabbed hold of Annabeth, who stared at Luke with a mixture of fear, surprise, and sadness. I couldn't imagine what was going through her head right now.

"Come now, follow me. I have something to show you. Bring your little pet cyclops with you."

Percy twitched a bit at that, but we listened. We had no choice. We followed Luke and his goons into the room they had been in prior to finding us, where a ghastly looking coffin was standing. I could feel a million different magical spells that had been placed on it, most of which I couldn't even begin to comprehend. The sheer power of it gave me a headache.

"You put a bit of a wrench in my plans over the winter, Y/N. But we have backups. You simply delayed our final victory. Do you know what is in that sarcophagus?"

I gulped. I knew, but I didn't want to say it. I didn't want to admit it was possible.

"Speak, or the girl gets it."

"It's... it's Kronos."

Luke smirked. "Good job, Y/N. Johnathan said you were smarter than you looked."

"Where is he, Luke."

"Can't tell you, I'm afraid. But rest assured. All you did was make him angrier. Good job with that, by the way. He's been far more effective since you two met."

"How can you do this, Luke? Why?" Annabeth cried, tears welling in her eyes. "Thalia wouldn't have wanted this!"

Luke glared at her. "Thalia? You talk about what Thalia would have wanted, when you travel with that... thing?" He said, glaring at Tyson now. "Thalia would have been on my side. The gods killed her, Annabeth. They'd kill you and I as well, without a second thought."

I looked around as Luke continued speaking. Suddenly, I saw an opening. Agreius, the brute who had his arms around Andromeda, was staring out the window at something. I glanced at Andromeda and she nodded. Then at Annabeth, who nodded as well, thankfully being in a less precarious position than Andromeda was. I closed my eyes and quickly fired an orb of energy at him, knocking him back and off of Andromeda. As soon as I did this, Annabeth elbowed Oreius in the crotch, knocking him off of her in the process as he stumbled back. I quickly moved over to Agreius, who had gotten up, and intercepted his spear, which he had jabbed towards Andromeda. He fended me off easily enough, but I didn't mind. Luke was over near the door, clashing blades with Percy, and Annabeth and Tyson were dealing with Oreius. I helped Andromeda up as I temporarily blinded Agreius with a flash of light, and yanked her towards the back door, the others quickly following behind me. We dashed madly towards the side of the ship, alarms blaring behind us. Thankfully, we made it to a lifeboat, which I swiftly cut the ropes on as arrows began flying towards us. We plummeted to the sea below, Percy digging around his backpack for something. He pulled out a thermos branded with the characters from some cartoon.

"Uh, Percy, now isn't the time for soup."

He glared at me. "Shush. Now what did Hermes say? Just twist and..."

Suddenly, as he opened the thermos, a blast of air shot out, propelling us forward at breakneck speed. We held on tight as the ship disappeared into the horizon, thanking whatever gods we could think of for somehow making it out of there alive.

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 2 (Percy Jackson Reader-Insert)Where stories live. Discover now