The Golden Isle

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We quickly made our way towards the island, Percy pushing the ship to its absolute limits and me using a bit of magic to amplify the wind going into the sails. We were, frankly speaking, pretty much fed up with the quest. We'd lost two of our friends to this stupid sea, and, at least according to Percy's dreams, Grover was about to be married to a cyclops, after which he would probably be eaten once said cyclops discovered he was in fact not a beautiful woman, but instead a satyr. In less encouraging news, Percy's dreams had stopped, or at least he hadn't had one the previous night, which worried us. As much as I hated demigod dreams, I had to admit they could be useful sometimes, and Percy had definitely been so lately, at least in reassuring us that we were not in fact going to find Grover dead. Soon enough, we reached the shallows, and lowered a rowboat to the water to make our way ashore. As we got closer, we noticed a slight problem. The sheep.

There were hundreds of them, all huddled around the central hill where the fleece was. And I suddenly remembered that part from the stories about Polyphemus.

"Crap. Guys, we might have a problem with those."

Percy frowned. "With the... sheep?"

Annabeth groaned. "Shut up, seaweed brain. They're not normal sheep."

I nodded. "They're carnivorous. And very much enjoy human flesh."

Percy's eyes went wide. "Ah."

I thought for a moment, a thousand different ideas running through my head. "Annabeth. Do you know if they count as monsters or animals?"

"I... I'm not sure. Why?"

"If they're animals, Grover might be able to do some of his nature magic stuff. Get them to go away for a bit or something."

Andromeda pursed her lips a moment. "And thats not a sort of magic you can do?"

I frowned. "Uh... probably not? I mean, maybe I can, but I've never tried. Thats more a satyr thing than a Hecate thing. And I'd rather not make my first attempt with a horde of evil sheep that want to eat me."

Annabeth sighed softly. "It might work. We'd have to find Grover first. He probably has a better idea."

I nodded. "Lets focus on that for now. Percy, you said he was in a cave, right?"

Percy nodded in affirmation. I pointed to a large cave opening across a large ravine with a rope bridge spanning it.

"Lets go then."

We made our way over the bridge, me being sure to reinforce the ropes with a quick enchantment before we did so. We hid in some bushes near the entrance for a moment, while we made our plan.

"Ok." Said Percy, drawing a quick diagram in the ground. "Me and Y/N, we head straight in. Looks like the big guy isn't home right now, so hopefully Grover is alone in there and we can get him out quickly. Annabeth, you put your cap on and wait out here, don't get involved unless we absolutely need you. We need someone who can at the very least try to steal the fleece on their own if Polyphemus... gets us. So thats you. Maybe the sheep will ignore you if you're invisible. But thats our last resort option, so don't try it unless we have nothing else to try. Andromeda, you climb up top and stand watch. Send a flare arrow off into the air where we can see it from the cave if he's coming. He's mostly blind, so he probably won't notice it. I hope. That all sound good?"

We nodded in agreement.

"Then lets do this."

We went to our spots, and, once Andromeda was able to climb up above the top of the cave, me and Percy made our way inside. It was fairly dark, the cave only illuminated by a number of small lamps and a large fire with a pot above it in the very back. I suppose with Polyphemus being nearly blind, lighting wasn't a huge concern for him. Sure enough, though, Grover was there, tied up next to the fire. But he wasn't alone.

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 2 (Percy Jackson Reader-Insert)Where stories live. Discover now