Chapter 1

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He pulls me into a tight embrace. This man... I don't know what it is about him, but I just can't seem to stay away. If this is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

"What do you want, baby?" I look straight into his eyes and take a deep breath, aware my answer will change everything between us. But before I can admit what's been on my mind ever since I met him, a different, familiar voice chills me straight to the bone.

"What's going on here?" Is that my husband?


*Ten days ago: Although being a senator's wife has its perks, the downsides are far greater. Every moment of my life is planned out and scrutinized. "Good morning, Jessica." I flash a wide sparkling smile at the receptionist, who looks almost startled to see me. Her cheeks appear to be flushed, and her mouth remains open until the elevator doors open then close behind me. What the hell is up with her?

As soon as I reach the third floor, I walk into Adam's office and have a glance down at my watch. Hunter and I are supposed to have a sit-down interview with National News today to discuss his campaign. We're running late so we'll have to hurry if we want to make it.

I open my mouth to announce my arrival, but I stop at the doorway in pure shock. Is that Tina, his personal assistant? She's half-sitting on the edge of the desk, facing my husband. When I see her hands between his upper thighs, I feel my anger rising.

Oh, hell no, I'm crashing their little party. I slammed the door shut behind me, startling them both.

"Good morning, Adam!"

"Charlotte!" He stands up, sending Tatiana to tumble on the floor.

"Ouch, Adam! That hurt!"

He laughed. "Sorry."

She looked up at me and gasped. "Mrs. Lexington! So nice to see you this morning!"

I nod. "You as well, Tina."

"Oh, it's Tatiana actually. But close enough!" She stood up and smiled. "You look lovely this morning."

It was quite clear that she was doing her best to try and change the topic. She looked down and rearranged her wrinkly blouse and nonchalantly tried to fix her neat ponytail.

As I look at my husband's mistress, I pity her. The poor girl fell for his charm and lines of bullshit that he fed me for years.

"I didn't know you were coming so soon, honey."

God, that smug grin on his face made me want to slap him as hard as I could.

"You were clearly very distracted, honey. So, I assumed that you forgot about..."

"The interview with the National News, sir."

I rolled my eyes as Tatiana completely cut me off mid-sentence. "Did I ask you, Tatiana? No. I asked my husband."

"I'm so sorry Charlotte, but I had to look over some paperwork that I blew off for the last two weeks."


"Why is Tatiana in here?" Besides trying to get down your pants.

"Ms. Sullivan was helping me with..."

"I've been looking for my gosh darn earring all morning and I still haven't been able to find it."

"Maybe it fell onto MY husband's floor."

"Charlotte..." Adam said, a stern look on his face.

"Well, you two were quite close when I walked in."

Tatiana blushed in pure embarrassment.

"You should keep an eye out for things like that. It'd be awful to embarrass yourself on national television."

"Found it!" Tatiana bent down and picked up an object next to Adam's desk. "Thank goodness! I was afraid I'd never find it!"

"Glad you did, Tatiana."

She looked up at Adam and blushed. "Well, I suppose I should get back to work now. I don't want to take up any more of your time, sir."

He nodded. "Thank you, Tatiana."

She blushed and scurried out of the office without saying a word.

"Was that really necessary?" Adam asked sarcastically.

"No, I suppose not babe. However, hasn't anyone told you not to sleep with your employees? It's very unprofessional."

Adam glared at me and changed the subject. "Did you look over the questions and answers I gave you for the interview?"

"Of course, I did."


"I know my role, don't worry. I'll recite the answers exactly like they're written."

"I really lucked out marrying you, didn't I? Always so obedient and reliable."

"I always aim to please, Adam."

He picked up the stack of letters from his desk. "Give me a few minutes."

"But we'll be late."

He looked and me and rolled his eyes. "Just let me read through these and we'll head out." He throws several of the letters in the trash without even looking at them until he gets to an unlabeled envelope.

"Adam, we don't really have time for this."

"Shut up." He opened the letter at the bottom of the pile and unfolded the paper inside of it, reading the content slowly and carefully.

"What's wrong?"

"The interview is cancelled. You need to leave right now."


"Don't question me, Charlotte. Do as I say and go straight home. I have something I need to deal with."

I've never seen him be this worked up before. He looks...Disturbed? Or scared maybe? I obey him to avoid an argument and go home.

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