Chapter 26

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I glance around and find a 20 something bachelor and the other two looked like they were in their thirties. As I sit down, my new date grins at me. "Well, shit. Ain't you a beauty."

He eyes my body with satisfaction and winks. "Hi. what's your name?"

"Ryan. But you may know me better as last year's World Cup Tractor Racing winner."

I literally couldn't get a single word in because it's all he talked about until the bell rang.

"Nice meetin' ya." I nodded.

"Are you scaring my bachelors away over here?" Jack asked, smirking.

"Ryan's not that bad of a guy. I think he won first place in last year's tractor something?"

"Yes, it's all he talked about the whole time."

"Are you participating at this event?"

"Unfortunately. Not enough guys showed up, so I guess I'm filling in."

"From what I heard, a lot of these women are looking to hook up with a man in uniform."


"So, shouldn't you be happy?"

"Not when most of them are women I've already been... you know...intimate with."

"Ah, sounds like quite the dilemma."

Smirking, he glances behind me. "So have you and Jamie...?"

"No, we haven't."

"That's a shame. It's pretty obviously there's something going on between you guys." Jack thinks there's something going on with Jamie and I?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter. The minute you two walked in yesterday, I could tell."

"I'm afraid you're wrong. Jamie's made it very crystal clear nothing can happen between us."

"I wouldn't be so quick to write him off. With the way he's been watching you tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if he went back on his word. He's obviously into you."

I stare at him quizzically.

"You really can't see it, can you?"

I shake my head. Jack laughs and leans forward until his mouth is right by my ear. "I'd say give it 30 more seconds."

"Give what..."

"Watch and see." He leans in and kisses my cheek, and I hear a chair screech loudly from behind me.

"Jack, what are you..." Before I can finish my question, I feel a presence behind me.

"I think it's time to switch partners now."

"Nope, I haven't sounded the bell..."

"Get up."

"Told you." Jack whispered. Grinning, he offers the seat to Jamie. "Have a good rest of your night, Danielle."

I laugh and Jamie's face hardens. As soon as Jack's gone, he takes his seat and stares at me.

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