Chapter 21

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I walk into the bedroom and look at the options he bought for me. I guess it's time to change my appearance. What shall I do with my hair? After going back and forth, I chose to go with honey blonde. Once I'm done with my hair, I turn my attention to the several outfits laid on the bed. What shall I wear?

After several minutes going back and forth between outfits, I chose a branded pair of orange shorts, wedges and a silky tank top and a necklace to top it off. Perfect. I hear the sound of the motorcycle revving up outside, so I head for the exit. Time to see what this town has to offer! The minute I walk outside, I see him standing beside his motorcycle. My eyes are immediately drawn to the motorcycle.

"Can I drive?"


"Pretty please?"

He chuckles and gives me a wide smile. "Maybe next time. You can't use the GPS without a phone."

"Whose fault is that?" He smiled and as I took the helmet he handed me, he stopped me.

"What?" He leaned down and kissed me.

"What was that for?"

He shrugged. "You're far too beautiful to resist." I sure as hell can say the same Warren. "Just hold on tight, okay?"

"Got it."

He sits on the bike then turns back to me with an outstretched hand. "You ready?"


"Do you trust me?"

"Of course, I do. With my life."

His lips part, and he searches my eyes. "Hold on tight."

3 hours later, we're walking through a local park. "I can't believe a town this small has so many hidden treasures."

"Surprising, isn't it? I've always liked it here."

"I can see why. There's something so peaceful about being away from all the city life. You can actually hear the birds chirping without the loudness of traffic in the background." He smiles.

"You're too cute. That's what I love about you." Did he really just say that to me?

"How long have you lived here?"

"Most of my life. My mom and I moved to California when I was 5. The cabin we're staying in was our first and only home here."

Just as I opened my mouth to ask him what happened to his mom, he pointed at a nearby building. "One of my friends owns this bar. Do you want to get something to eat?"

"Food sounds nice." As we come closer to it, it isn't long before I notice the sign carrying its name. "Tipsy Cow?"

He laughed. "Don't ask."

I grin as he holds the door open for me. The first thing I notice is the emptiness-aside from one other couple seated at the bar. The walls look like they could use a new paint job, and the stools seem a bit wobbly, but it is otherwise a very welcoming place. "It's cozy."

"It's the best bar within a 100-mile radius." Just as he says that, a large, imposing man walks over to us with a huge smile painted across his face and claps Warren on the back.

"Don't listen to this guy here. It's the best bar in the whole damn state, I'm tellin' ya."

Jamie laughs. "Now you're just exaggerating."

"Am not! What other bar would give you free welcome drinks as soon as you enter?" He pours us both beer on tap, slides it along the bar and winks at me. "It's on the house, darlin'. And I can keep 'em coming for as long as you want."

"We can pay for our own drinks, Jack."

Jack shakes his head. "Nonsense. My best friend ain't paying for a damn thing here. And neither is any company he keeps."

Jamie sighs and takes a sip of his beer. "I don't know how you're keeping this place afloat man. You do the same thing with half the customers."

Jack shrugs. "The regulars are loyal. They'd never let me go under. Besides, the women practically line up when they see me running the place." He flexes and Jamie chuckles.

"Speaking of women..." He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

Jamie immediately stiffens by my side. "Hello, beautiful. My name is Jack Wayne."

"And I'm..."

"Danielle Knott," Jamie cuts in.

Right. Not even Jack can know my real name. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"A pleasure?"


"Sweetheart, I can show you the true meaning of pleasure." Though the words sound flirtatious, I can see a teasing glint in his eye, and it's obvious he's only trying to spite Jamie.

He winks at me again. "Back off, Jack."

"Hey, hey, I was only introducing myself."

"She's taken."

"Don't worry, Jamie. I saw the ring." I followed his gaze down to my left hand and frown at the wedding ring sitting on my finger. I guess I should probably stop wearing this. It's becoming such a habit that I hadn't even thought about what it represents.

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