Warm Welcomes

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Techno woke up around 5 AM. He shuffled out of bed, making sure not to wake the boy sleeping peacefully next to him. He still cuddled up to him like he used to in exile. Techno smiled at the sight of his little brother, safe at home, with him. His runt will finally be safe forever. As long as he stays here.

He draped his cape over Tommy, smiling at the fact that the boy was covered in his scent, letting a low rumble out. Tommy's ears twitched at that, letting a small purr out.

Techno got dressed and then left the room to the kitchen, deciding on what to make for breakfast

He decided upon making chocolate chip pancakes, those being Tommy's favorite. Might as well make him something comforting given he'd probably be startled at first.

He started getting out the ingredients, and got to work.

Soon the birds began to chirp, and the smell of pancakes made its way through the entire house. The snow outside was new. Tommy woke up, and looked around.

Where the fuck was he?

This looks like... Techno's?! Why is here at Technos?! Was he going to get murdered? Threatened? Tommy was terrified. He sat up, the cape falling off him. Tommy stared at the cape. Huh. The scent was almost overwhelming, more so to his instincts. But Tommy pushed through. He had to figure out what the fuck was going on.

He got out of the bed, the frames creaking loudly. (They're as creaky as before.) He began looking around some more, seeing all the changed to Techno's room. There was now another bookcase, and the TV and dresser was moved around. Along with the bed being on the window's side and not of the dark corner of the room. (Finally, that bugged him so much back in exile.)

He continued searching the room, opening and closing drawers and other various actions. Then he spotted bags of his things in the closet.

What the hell...?

Tommy was so confused right now. Maybe a little scared, but more so confused.

He opened the bags and pulled out the bandana from Tubbo and held it closely. After a few minutes he wrapped it around his neck, and zipped up his jacket a little.

He then went to the door. There was some kind of cover on the handle. What the fuck?

Tommy tried to take it off for a good while, but eventually gave up, slumping on the floor, back to the door.

Suddenly the doorknob sounded. Tommy quickly ran to Techno's bed and crawled underneath. Geez this was a lot easier back when he stayed with him after exile. Then again he had been malnourished back then.

He remembered the face Techno showed, when he finally told him about exile. It was only for a split moment however. But Tommy caught a glimpse.

Gods how long has it been since he was last here even? Maybe like a year. (Has it really been that long?)

Soon the door opened and Techno walked in.

Specifically into an empty room.

That's not right? Where was Tommy?

"Tommy? You in here?" Techno called out.

Tommy stayed absolutely silent. Too terrified to make any sound. Why was he so scared? He highly doubted Techno would hurt him given he's most likely the one who brought him here. Did anyone even know he was gone?

Techno took a quick look around the room, noticing his things were still here. Well that means he didn't try to leave, not that he really could though.

Techno searched around the room, looking inside the closet, searching for any invisible particles, he continued searching for a good few minutes, starting to get worried, that is, until Tommy sneezed. Tommy immediately started panicking and was practically horrified when Techno pulled him out from under his bed.

Snowy Nights (in which crimes ensue) // a bedrock bros story Where stories live. Discover now