New Kinda Life

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The sun beat down on Tommy's eyes, waking him up. He woke up to no Techno cuddling him. Probably out doing chores.

Tommy got up and stretched, and made his way to his room to get ready for the day. He changed out of his pajamas (that totally wasn't one of Techno's shirts and some sweat-shorts) and got out one of his new shirts, a fitting cardigan, and some cargo jeans.

He changed rather quickly and then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and rats' nest of hair. His hair was practically matted every time he woke

He looked in the mirror and smiled to himself. Today was gonna be a good day. After all, he got to hang out with both his friends after his chores! He was practically ecstatic to see Tubbo and Ranboo!

Tommy rushed downstairs to get breakfast and saw Techno making omelettes.

"Hey bigman! Omelettes I see!" Tommy greeted, practically leaping onto his chair, swishing his tail happily.

"Good morning Theseus, and please don't jump onto chairs, it's dangerous." Techno chuckled, flipping the omelette.

Tommy rolled his eyes, and then Techno smiled and placed an omelette in front of him.

Tommy ate quickly then ran to get his shoes and cloak on, wanting to get some as soon as he possibly could! For gods sakes he just wanted to hang out with his friends already!

Techno just chuckled at him.

Tommy ran downstairs and went out to the farm to check on the chicks.

"Hey chickies! Good morning babies!" Tommy greeted. The chicks peeped happily and Tommy got out their food, he fed them and then took them out of their little area, letting them roam around the farm a little with him.

Tommy smiled as the chicks followed behind him.

He went to replace Carl's food and water, along with brushing out his mane, so he made his way to the the chests in the farm, and got out Carl's usual mix, dumping it in his food trough.

Then he grabbed a bucket of water and dumped it in the water trough. Feeling accomplished, he grabbed the brush on the outside of the stable, and went inside, picking up the chicks and placing them in his pockets for the time being.

The chicks peeped happily as they situated themselves in his pockets. Tommy sat down and began on Carl's mane brushing it softly and gently, exactly as Techno had shown him.

After he finished he gave Carl a good pat on the head, and put the chicks back in their spot. He made his way back inside and grabbed a mop, practically overflowing with determination.

Techno looked up from the couch and greeted Tommy.

"You seem really excited to mop the floors kid." Techno teased.

"No I'm just excited to get them done to see Bee and Boo." Tommy huffed.

"Yea yea, now get your chores done so you can go see them." Techno chuckled, turning the TV onto a boring show Tommy despised.

Tommy got to work, not letting up on the results for as rushed as he seemed.

"Techno! Techno! I finished all my chores! Can I go over to Tubbo and Ranboo's now?!" Tommy asked excitedly.

"Yea yea go on, just be safe, keep your communicator on you." Techno smiled.

"Yea yea! Bye Techie! Cya later!" Tommy smiled, heading out the door.

"See ya later Theseus, tell Ranboo I said hi" Techno chuckled, waving goodbye.

Tommy waved goodbye and head out the door, making his way over to Snowchester.

It was a good mile or so, taking him about an hour to walk through the cold. Thankfully he was dressed for the weather this time around, so it was no biggie.

Finally he arrived at the mansion and just walked in, he knew neither of them would care. (Plus it's funny.) 

He walked into the living room and saw Ranboo and Tubbo sitting on the couch, watching TV and cuddling.

"HEY GUYS WHAT'S UP!" Tommy shouted, hoping to get a reaction. "TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK!" Tubbo screamed, holding the fabric near his heart.

Ranboo just has a silent reaction. He did that a lot (which was no fun), he simply sat there frozen, before turning his head over to face Tommy, looking like he just witnessed something he shouldn't have.

Tommy held back a laugh before apologizing, and sitting down on the couch with both of them.

"Glad to see you could make it Toms, thought you weren't coming!" Tubbo smiled.

"I told you before I had to finish my chores!" Tommy whined.

"I'm just playing! Don't worry! Now whatcha wanna do?" Tubbo chuckled.

"Uhm... I'm not sure!" Tommy replied, leaning back onto the couch.

"Well... I was thinking we all could go on a picnic?" Ranboo suggested, looking over at the two.

"Ooh yea that sounds good!" Tubbo smiled, getting up. "I'll go get the basket!" He spoke, making his way upstairs.

"Alright! Tommy come help me prepare the food!" Ranboo said. "Okay!" Tommy replied happily, getting up and following Ranboo.

The two made their way to the kitchen and started thinking on what to make.

"We should make scones!" The raccoon hybrid exclaimed, earning an nod in agreement from the half-enderman hybrid.

The two started on the scones, making the dough and getting the blueberries.

Eventually they finished and Tubbo had joined them in making the deserts. They then headed on their way to a nice flower field the two older hybrids had found a while back.

They sat down in the patch and began to munch on the scones they had made, smiling to eachother and making small talk.

After they had finished the food they picked some nearby berries, snacking on them as well. It was all going nice and smooth. That is until Techno started messaging him on his communicator.

"Uhhh Techno's messaging meee" Tommy whined.

"Answer it Tommy, it's fine." Tubbo said chuckling. Tommy sighed and began typing on his communicator.

"what do you want tech-no-blade" Tommy messages back.

"Come home. It's getting late." Techno sent, finally getting a reply from the boy.

"ITS NOT EVEN DARK" Tommy managed to sound like he was whining, even through the device.

"Come home." Techno repeated.

"Guys he wants me to come home LIKE IT'S NOT EVEN DARK!" Tommy ranted.

"Just go home Tommy- It's okay, we'll come over to your place next time" Ranboo said. Tommy stared in disbelief.


"Oh hush you" Tubbo joked. "Now cmon, we'll walk you home." He said, getting up and packing the basket up.

Tommy smiled at the two.

The two continued to joke around on the way back, eventually saying their goodbyes as Tommy arrived at his and Techno's cabin.

"Alright! Bye guys!" Tommy waved, heading inside.

"You took forever" Techno said, greeting the boy.

"Shut up you clingy bastard" Tommy joked, heading up to his room, although the idea was quickly shot down as he was dragged into the older's chest.

Techno rested his chin on Tommy's hair.

"Yea yea, says the one who sleeps in my bed every night." Techno joked.

Tommy just rolled his eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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