Not Missing, Just Kidnapped

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Today had been nice and chill. A perfectly normal and comfortable day.

Tommy woke up, and shuffled out of Techno's grasp to start on breakfast. Usually Techno was up in time, however Tommy had insisted he slept in.

Tommy moved quickly and quietly downstairs, getting out the necessary materials to make french toast.

He got out a griddle, bread, eggs, milk, vanilla extract, some cinnamon and salt, and all the other necessities.

He whisked together the mix to dip the bread in, and set the burner to a high setting.

Finally he dipped the bread in the mixture, and placed it atop the griddle, lowering the heat.

He made about ten pieces before Techno groggily grunted and sat at the table.

"G'mornin' bigman!" Tommy greeted, Techno only replying in a chuff and snort.

Tommy chuckled and opened the cupboard above to grab a plate, however this cupboard must've been designed specifically for Techno, cause Tommy couldn't reach the plates.

He stood on his tippy-toes for extra height, but still couldn't get it, and let out an annoyed chitter.

Suddenly the sound of a chair being pushed out rang, and Techno was up behind him, grabbing two plates for the both of them.

Tommy huffed and Techno just chuckled at him, ruffling the boy's hair.

Tommy went to place the toast on the plates, however he was quickly shut down by Techno, who grabbed it with his bare hands, and threw them onto the plates. He grabbed three for him and two for Tommy.

"I don't need you doing everything for me!" Tommy chittered angrily.

"Don't matter. Doing it anyways." Techno grunted.

Tommy made his displeasure very clear, but ate his food, practically glaring Techno down. Techno just laughed at him.

The prick.

After that the two went down to the farm, Techno changed Carl's water and food, and Tommy checked on the chicken eggs. They seemed to be ready to hatch any day now.

"Techno! Techno come look!" Tommy exclaimed. Techno quickly rushed over to the boy, looking at the eggs.

"Yea? What's up Thes?" Techno asked.

"Loook! I bet they're gonna hatch sometime this week!" Tommy smiled, looking at the eggs, then back at his brother.

Techno smiled, taking a look at the eggs himself.

"Y'know what? I think you're right." Techno confirmed.

Tommy smiled and swished his tail happily, flapping his hands.

"Alright alright, calm down." Techno chuckled.

Tommy smiled and the two made their way back to the cabin.

The two turned on a movie, specifically Moana (despite the clear unwanted grunt from the piglin hybrid,) and cuddled up on the couch together.

Every so often Techno would ruffle Tommy's hair, or set his hand on his head. Tommy would occasionally flick his ears, or let out a purr. Sometimes he'd start stimming at any exciting bits, (although he's seen the movie practically a million times.)

Today had been chill, a comfortable and normal day. That is until Techno had to get up and do something, and there was a clear pattern of knocks at the door.

Tommy paused the movie with the remote and went up to the door, twisting the handle and opening the creaky spruce.

He was met with two familiar faces.

Tommy practically dropped the remote.

"TOMMY!" The one face shouted, practically tackling Tommy into a hug.

"Tubbo!" Tommy shouted back, hugging the goat hybrid.

"Oh we were worried sick!" Ranboo shouted. "But uh.. why are you here?I checked in with Techno a while ago and he said he hadn't seen you- unless you recently arrived and he forgot to tell me-" The half enderian rambled.

"Okay uh- come on in- you might wanna sit down for this one-" Tommy chuckled, inviting the two inside.

The three sat on the couch, and Tommy began to explain.

"So basically uh- I haven't been missing exactly, it's more like... oh geez how to say this without it sounding terrible-" Tommy started.

"You're scaring me Toms-" Tubbo said worriedly.

"Okay so I can't really sugarcoat it- so uh- Techno kidnapped me. I mean it's not like bad or anything- it's been pretty nice actually.." Tommy explained.

"I- He- HE WHAT?!" Ranboo shouted.


"I- Oh my gods- I-" Tubbo replied blankly.

"Yea it's uh- something- oh I am gonna be a mother of twelve chicks soon!" Tommy said happily.

"Oh are you guys raising chickens?" Tubbo asked, and Tommy nodded and swished his tail.

Suddenly heavy footsteps walked into the living room.

"Uhh-" Techno sounded.

"Uh- haha- heyy Technoo-" Tommy mumbled.

"Theseus-? What's uh- what's happening here?" Techno replied awkwardly.

"Techno? Could I talk to you for a little?" Ranboo said, he had a lot to talk about. He also wanted to get Techno away from Tubbo before he got uncomfortable.

"Sure, cmon over here." Techno said, gesturing Ranboo to follow him.

Tommy and Tubbo just sat there on the couch, slowly moving to a cuddle position.

"Soo... Howsit at Techno's? Has he hurt you or anything? Threatened you? Last time you two didn't seem on good terms.." Tubbo asked.

"It's nice, he cares for me a lot, I can tell. He uh, he really only did this to protect me." Tommy started, nuzzling into Tubbo's neck.

"Other than that, nothing else has really happened, he hasn't been mean, or manipulative, or anything really. I think he genuinely cares for me." Tommy muttered into Tubbo's shoulder.

"I mean, that's pretty understandable, no matter what, you both are brothers, a bit like us, no matter what, we'll always be best friends." Tubbo said, wrapping his arms around Tommy.

Tommy nodded softly.

"My Tommy."

"My Tubbo."

The two continued like this for a while, while Ranboo and Techno talked. (It was more like Ranboo yelled at Techno.)

"Sorry I lied..." Tommy mumbled.

"It's okay, I get it." Tubbo responded.

"I love you. Platonically I mean." Tommy said, looking up at Tubbo.

"I love you too." Tubbo smiled.

Soon enough, Ranboo and Techno walked into the room.

They looked like they had just gotten into a gang fight.

"Woah- what the hell-" Tubbo said, looking up at the two.

"It's nothing! Now we need to go Tubbo, Micheal and Puffy are waiting for us." Ranboo said, walking towards the door and smiling at Tommy.

Tommy moved off of Tubbo and the goat hybrid got up and followed the taller to the door.

"Bye Toms! Bye Techno!" Ranboo said, waving his hand before he closed the door.

"So uh... what the hell happened to you?" Tommy asked, holding back a laugh.

"Long story. Say let's get back to that movie, eh?" Techno said, sitting back down on the couch and pulling his little brother close.

Tommy just chuckled and unpaused the TV.

small A/N: big congrats to @Pulloxy for guessing what would happen,, congrats man u got it >B]

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