Chp 8

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The four of us stared at each other wide eyed, no one knowing exactly what to do. Sure we'd been told to avoid strangers at all costs, but these were kids our age.
"I asked you a question." The boy huffed, his gaze scrutinizing.
"Wat doen we? Moeten we rennen en Hesterin of Callie halen?" I asked my twin, causing the other two to gape at us.
"Misschien als we doen alsof we ze niet begrijpen, laten ze ons met rust?" Tristan suggested.
"Wow Tan, echt volwassen."
"Heb je een beter idee?"
"Leed ze naar Callie. Ze weet misschien wat ze moet doen."
"Als Hij erachter komt..." he muttered.
"komt het wel goed." I gave the others an awkward smile.

"My name is Alexia, this is my brother Tristan. Who are you?"
"Aston and Ashlyn." The boy replied, his eyes still wide in shock from hearing Tristan and I speak a different language.
"Do you-" I got caught off at the sound of voices not too far off and Ashton froze.
"They found us. We have to go." He took Ashlyn's hand and took off running, grabbing mine on the way.

Shock ran through my body and I barely had time to grab Tristan's hand before we were full on sprinting through the woods, this time towards the watchtower.
"Lia, what about-!?"
"I'll figure it out Tan, but for now what we need is to be safe. Rules be darned." I gently tugged on Ashton's hand and led us through the woods.
Luckily it didn't take long to burst through the tree line and be confronted by the group that raised us.

"Alexia and Tristan what is-"
"No time Hes! We're being followed!" I cried, coming to a stop in front of them.
Callie's eyes widened at the sight of the newcomers but she stayed silent for once.
"Ryo let's go, Cal, Griff watch the kids."
Callie and Griff mock saluted her before her and Ryo took off into the woods, growling.

"Explain yourselves." Callie demanded, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at the four of us.
"We went for a run to stretch, but right before we came back these two spotted us. We talked for about point five seconds when we heard voices and ran. Right, introductions. Um, Cal, Griff this is Ashton and Ashlyn. Guys, these are two of our guardians, Callie and Griff." I explained quickly, ignoring my twins eye roll.

"Huh, guess that legend is true." Griff muttered, glancing at his mate.
"This is perfect!" callie cried, pulling the siblings in for a hug. They glanced at eachother before looking at us, causing Tristan and I to start laughing.
"She's a hugger, Sorry." Tristan laughed, shaking his head.
"Would've been nice to know." Ashton grumbled lightly as Cal released him.


After the growling grew louder Callie and Griff led us inside the watchtower and we decided to talk a bit.
"What is this place?" Ashlyn inquiried, looking around curiously.
"We call it The Watchtower. It's our home." I replied honestly, my gaze falling on her brother.
"Why here?" He questioned, his gaze meeting mine as my lips turned down in a frown and my eyes fell to the floor.
"We had no where else to go." Tristan answered, noticing my expression.

Ashton looked at us skeptically but his attention was quickly averted by Ryo and Hesterin making an appearance.
"What were you two doing in the woods with hunters nearby?" Hesterin interrogated, a scowl on her face.
"We were abandoned by our pack." Ashton answered, giving her a blank stare.
"How should I know?"
"Because it was you."

He simply shrugged, making He's huff in frustration.
"Your call Callie." She muttered, taking Ryo's hand and dragging him down the hall.
"Ok, y'all are staying here." Callie grinned, and ushered them in the direction Hesterin went.
"No thanks." Ashton began, trying to wiggle from her grip.
"Don't fight it, she can be terrifying when she's angry." I suggested, stepping around them and going into Tristan's room.

It was simple, but it's changed a lot since we first arrived. Tristan chose a forest theme, the walls were a mix of different shades of green while the ceiling was a beautiful sky blue with swirls of white. His bed spread held two bald eagles in a nest in a tree while various pictures of wildlife decorated the walls.
"Did you forget this is my room?" Tristan asked, jolting me from my thoughts.
"No, I just figured I'd bother you since you woke me up early." I shrugged in reply, giving him a dorky smile.

"Such a handful." He muttered, plopping down beside me.
"So what do you think about Ashton and Ashlyn?"
"I'm not really sure. I think it'd be nice to have someone closer to our age would be cool, but then again it's been us, Callie, Griff, Ryo and Hesterin for over a decade." I replied, folding my legs underneath me.
"Maybe we could bring them to our spot as a sort of initiation into our little family?" Tristan suggested.

"Are we sure we can trust them?"
"Why couldn't we? Remember the legend Callie told us about? What if they're the other two?"
"I don't know. That's technically up to them isn't it?"
"No clue. You've been more into the whole legend thing since we learned to read."
"I'll have to look into it later."
"Good, now go shoo and do something productive, I've got to work on something."
"Fine fine." I huffed and gave my twin a quick hug before leaving his room and heading to mine.

A/N should I translate what the twins say in their language?????

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