Reaper could see Error was plotting. He seemed nervous, no, scared. Reaper could understand why. The Anti-Void couldn't be their safe haven forever. Error's enemies, and even his friends would realize they were here eventually, then Reaper would have nowhere else to run. Reaper couldn't tell was Error was thinking though as he cradled their little girl and fed her the magic she needed to grow big and strong. Reaper decided to wait for Error to approach first. Whatever it was, he would talk to Reaper eventually... but what he had to talk about was something Reaper never expected. you want me to what..?" Reaper asked. "i-i kn-ow it-s ri-sky, b-ut i-f we c-an us-e th-e mi-rr-or to lea-ve th-is mu-lt-ive-rse, w-e ca-n ke-ep ex-is-t s-af-e..." ("i know its risky, but if we can use the mirror to leave this multiverse, we can keep exist safe...") The council was also a threat, but if Reaper could pull this off, they wouldn't have to worry about any of that. And Reaper knew that, too. They would walk into the lair of their enemies, to save themselves.
Reaper led the way through the halls and to the mirror as Error bounced Exist in his arms. "the mirror will only let itself be seen by those pure of soul. there is a chance we will never get to see it..." Reaper was so scared this whole thing was for nothing, but they had to make this work. They would be putting Exist in harms way with nothing to show for their efforts. Reaper turned to the right with Error right on his tail. Exist fussed a little but calmed when Error gave her his finger. Reaper stopped at a door, swallowing hard as he broke out into a nervous sweat. Error wanted to give him some sort of comfort, but he was currently trying to keep Exist from breaking their cover. "i won-t le-t h-er g-e-t hu-rt..." ("i won't let her get hurt...") He promised. Reaper nodded and twisted the knob, letting the door swing open. The couple stepped inside uneasily and took a look at their surroundings before looking at where the mirror was supposed to be.
Reaper felt his body tense up as the God of Magic turned to face them. "Well, now, I was going to use the mirror to check on you, but you seem to have come to me instead." He shielded Error and Exist instantly. "you knew where i was?" Gaster didn't hesitate for one second to respond. "Of course I did. The mirror sees all."
"... y-you... you didn't tell anyone..?" Reaper asked. "Why would I seek to hurt my niece?" Gaster stepped to the side, his expression serious. "Your window is closing. If you're going to leave, do it now." Reaper whimpered and hugged his father. "thank you..." Gaster hugged him back. Error found it extremely sweet as he pet Exist softly. "Go... live your life, don't worry about anything here, alright?" Reaper nodded as they released each other. Error stepped to Reaper. Gaster smiled fondly at the child as Reaper put a hand on Error's arm. "let's go..." They found themselves stepping up to the mirror. "let's go somewhere safe, where there is no council, no threat ink nor from nightmare..." The image from the mirror started to warp and reflect a building... a castle.
Exist (Sequel)
ФанфикThe Child of Error and Reaper is born. With such a strong being alive though, the Council of Reapertale want to exterminate it. Nightmare wants to use it for his own personal gain. The Star Sanses already want Error dead. Where could they go that is...