Broken (Err)

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Error was dead silent on the way to the market. The king, Encre, and Jasper had tried to get what was wrong out of him, but Error just... couldn't. Exist fussed in his arms as he absent-mindedly gave her his finger. The episode played over and over in his skull. Reaper deserved what he got. He deserved it. Error kept trying to convince himself, but even he knew that he had gone too far this time. He'd hurt Reaper. But Reaper had hurt him first... so they were even, right? "error." The glitch flinched away and looked at king Fallacy. "do you need help the baby, or would you rather have her while we set the stalls." Error stared at him a little longer before turning to give Exist to Suave. ("take care of her or else.") "ta-a-ake c-ca-r-e of h-her-r o-o-r el-se." Suave gave a hasty bow, not liking the intent Error was giving off before he took the baby in his arms and went off with Jasper to look around the other stalls and find some nice little buys. Error grabbed bags of his products and dragged them out to the stall.


Clothes brought a lot more customers than Error expected. He supposed shopping in a medieval time like this multiverse, clothes were a necessity, not something to be used carelessly. All the people were the distraction Error needed to keep his mind off Reaper and his wings. People were willing to pay a lot of gold for warmer clothes. Error tried to keep the prices reasonable, though. "heheheh, you are getting a lot of clients, monsieur, but i will sell more~" Encre challenged. Error wasn't sure if it was his old hatred for his Ink bubbling up, but he immediately got fired up. ("unless i sell more than you!!!") "un-le-ss i se-l-l mo-or-e th-a-an y-yo-u!!!" Encre laughed again, unfazed by Error's declaration. "nous verrons!" Error went to see about helping a pregnant woman find baby clothes for her unborn young. Encre handed out one of his works while G was left on the counter. Fallacy watched for a little longer, proud of Encre for keeping Error distracted. The king had work to do, and since they were fine, he could head home to get it taken care of before the day ended.


Error sold out by noon, Encre wasn't far behind. As he started to close the stall, though, as he was plunged into darkness, pulling the sheet over his stall, Reaper came to the forefront of his mind. His broken, black wings, bent at odd angles in Error's strings. His scream before he passed out from shock. Error had been in the right, though. Reaper hurt him first, replaced him with Geno. He never could hold a candle to Geno. Yet... yet... what had Reaper been trying to say? Didn't he know that apologizes wouldn't cut it this time? Error felt his anger boil beneath his bones and pushed out of his stall. ("where is my baby?") "wh-ere i-s m-y ba-b-by?" Error demanded to know as Suave and Jasper came up. Jasper shrugged while Suave replied with, "your mate wanted the baby, she is with her." Error froze. Reaper couldn't fly. Error made sure of that. He'd never been here either, which means he didn't take a shortcut. So unless he walked... ("you gave my baby to a stranger?!") "yo-u ga-ve m-y ba-by t-0 @ $+r@n9€r?!" Error didn't have time to cause more damage though. He needed to find Mors and get his baby back. Now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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