Separation (Reap)

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Reaper devoted his attention to their daughter, getting her washed in the baths and dressed in clean clothes. He fed her and laid her down for a nap until she was up and wanted to play. It kept his mind busy, so he didn't have to think about all the stress. Exist turned out to love the game peek-a-boo, jumping and giggling every time Reaper's face disappeared into his hands. Unfortunately, the small bit of peace didn't last. Reaper tensed at the knock on the door. "don't come in." He warned. "i have come simply to check in. you and husband are... ah... problèmes, no?" Did everyone in this damn castle know already? Whatever happened to privacy? "none of your business, encre. please leave us alone." If he weren't already stressed out and talking to Ink of all Sanses, he probably would've been nicer. But Encre was this world's Ink, and he didn't want to cause more trouble. Even if Fallacy said he would check in. "i... comprends. you are afraid. i will be down the hall if you need moi." Encre left Reaper alone with the baby, making him sigh long and hard.


Reaper and Exist were napping when he felt the presence of two monsters who seemed to have broken into his room. Reaper summoned blasters and fired, fearing the worst as he shot up from his dead sleep, clutching his child closer. How did they get in?! "woah reaper! chill! it's me!" A voice frantically cut Reaper from his panic. "caedes? what the hel are you doing in here?!" Reaper tried to glare at the vampire, but couldn't find it in himself to give his ex lovers doppelganger such a look. Caedes rubbed the back of his neck while some vampire dressed as a plague doctor rubbed his back. Reaper wasn't too surprised to hear his own voice from the guy. "he came here to apologize. caedes explained that he mistook you for me and the gossip has been spreading like wildfire around here." Reaper gave Mors his attention as he spoke before Caedes started to nod. "yeah- i didn't mean to cause any trouble... it really was an honest mistake..." Reaper sighed and shook his head. "i know, caedes. it's fine. error and i will get this all sorted eventually- but how did you get in here?" Caedes pointed to the open balcony doors. Right.


Reaper made sure to lock the balcony after the vampire's left. He thought to tell Error about the apology- about how Caedes and Mors had visited, but instantly shot it down. All he could see in his mind was that mistrustful look. How much worse would it be if Reaper told him they stopped by? Would he assume Reaper did more, worse unfaithful things? No, Reaper couldn't tell him- wouldn't tell him. His teeth were sealed of this short interaction. Besides, Mors had been here too. He looked... cool. Reaper's self from this world had that cool, mysterious guy vibe to him. Reaper kinda liked that for himself. He liked that here, he and Geno could be dead together as vampires. And he and Error could be alive together... if Error could forgive him. "b-ba-h..." Exist caught his attention, and he smiled. "morning, little goddess..." As long as he had her, Error would forgive. If not for Reaper's sake, then for hers. Until she was old enough to understand if they still couldn't get along by then. "i love you, always, exist..." He severely hoped that wouldn't be the case.

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