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A/N... going on vacation saturday <3 I have no idea if that means same amount of chapters, more chapters or less, but we'll see and I'll try my best for y'all! I'm back the 8th so things will be back to normal by then


"Stop moving," Isla whispered under her breath to the blond boy.

"It hurts, okay?" Ominis hissed slightly, pulling away from the girl.

After fighting and finding the second piece of the triptych, after the adrenaline wore off, Ominis was left dealing with the stinging of numerous cuts across his body from the goblins axes being swung at him.

Sure, he won the competition, at the cost of a load of cuts and bruises that Isla refused to not take care of for him.

So, the blue haired girl sat him down in the bathroom in his dormroom, Isla embarrassing Ominis by forcing him to sit on the counter while she stood between his legs, cleaning his face with a warm cloth.

"I know, but if I don't clean it it'll hurt more later, love," she chuckled, ringing the bloody cloth out in the sink, smiling fondly as she saw a blush slowly spread across his face at the pet name.

"Where are your other cuts?" She asked him once she was done cleaning up the cuts on his face and arms.

He flushed. "Back," He told her, lifting his hand to rub the back of his neck sheepishly. "Chest, I think."

Isla blushed, somewhat glad he couldn't see how flustered she was with her eyes wide as she bit her lip hard. "Alright, are you okay with me cleaning them?"

"Perfectly fine," He breathed out lightly, offering a small smile. After a moment of contemplation, he moved his hands down to pull his shirt off, but a sharp pain stopped him as he let out a groan.

"Are you okay?" She asked quickly, putting her hands on his arms to stop him from moving any more.

"Yeah, yeah, fine, just feels like I bruised a lung or something," he chuckled.

"Shouldn't you be at the hospital wing?" She asked hesitantly. "Not here letting me do this?"

"No, no hospital wing, hate it there." He sighed. "You're good, Isla, okay? I am too, just keep going."

She sighed and bit her lip. "Do you want me to?" She asked softly, moving her hands down his arm to place them overtop of his hands.

Ominis froze at the feeling, unsure of what to say.

"I don't have to, I just don't want you to hurt yourself," She whispered to the boy carefully, and he gave out a long sigh before nodding, too flustered to say anything.

She smiled slightly and bit her lip, blushing before moving his hands away from his shirt and grabbing hold of the bottom, carefully pulling it up and over his head.

She moved slowly, trying to avoid hurting Ominis as much as possible.

But Ominis was too focused on the feeling of her cold fingers carefully brushing along his bare back, and the fact that she was taking his shirt off.

"The troll did this?" She muttered quietly, while Ominis nodded.

He may or may not have gotten a club to the ribcage, throwing him back, luckily into Sebastian who stopped him from breaking his spine by hitting the stone wall.

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