thirty nine

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A/N... a certain new someone 👀


"How am I supposed to just... act normal after everything thats happened? Seeing Ry's name in the headlines I just..." Isla sighed softly, changing into her Slytherin Quidditch robes — tying up her boots and looking over at Anne who had finished changing.

"We have to," She shrugged slightly. "I mean, theres nothing else we can do, right? We're keeping him safe, that's all that matters.

Isla sighed softly. "I suppose."

Anne smiled softly and hooked arms with the blue haired girl once she was finished changing, the brunette pulling her out of the changeroom and offering Imelda a shy smile — the Quidditch Queen smirking in return.

Six people stood in a line, all wearing green robes and held their brooms closely.

Sebastian held this suave aura to him — a slight smirk on his lips as he passed his broom handle between his hands. Of course, Sebastian only had the best broom anyone could possibly get — and Isla couldn't help but smile when she noticed a carving near the end of the broom.

"To win all your games with, Ominis Gaunt"

Isla admired their friendship more than anything else — she considered Ominis her soulmate.

But she believed that Ominis and Sebastian were soulmates too — the two best friends that complete each other.

She just hoped she could find her other soulmate too — but she knew she was already beyond lucky to have Ominis.

She glanced at the other people around her — Ezra Quintrell who she knew from the very beginning of her Hogwarts journey.

Imelda had introduced the two the second day of school, as Ezra's family was close with Imelda's and they all had a shared interest of Quidditch.

So it wasn't a surprise that Ezra was there.

Lottie Fernsby was also there; another girl she knew thanks to Imelda's races.

But there was one boy there that she didn't know — a boy with blonder hair than Ominis, a pale white, like snow, almost.

"Alright! We had tryouts two days ago and you lot are the one's I've picked, as you know," Imelda announced, looking at the group. "I expect the best and nothing but from you all. I expect hard work and if you give me any less then I will skin you." She deadpanned.

Chuckles sounded out from the group — each of them had previously been on Slytherin's team at some point, and even though Imelda was only captain her fourth year, she always hounded them when they were slacking.

She lifted up a box that laid beside her feet, and opened them up to reveal everyones jersey with their name and number on it.

"Sallow, 07," She called out, tossing the boy his shirt while he smirked proudly at it, putting it on.

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