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A/N... 3k y'all 🤧🤧🤧 <333
Finally back to a regular schedule :) I'm on a plane home tomorrow so theres a chance I'll post some stuff for my books!
And as promised – the photo above shows the @'s of RAMs biggest supporters <3 Y'all seriously make my day no matter what it is you do – Tori (my fabulous editor and RAM's very first supporter) and I thank you loads and we hope you enjoy the rest of our fic <3
also! warning for gore in a way? not really gore, but just freaky unnatural shit jdhshsj


"Why did you have to leave, Ominis?" Isla whispered softly, sitting on the boy's bed in his dormroom. "I can't even... I told you there was a chance I could stop the curse completely with my magic."

Ominis sighed and nodded. "But we still don't know the risks of that, and what if it all went wrong? You – you took the cruciatus curse for me, for Sebastian. If something happened to you—"

The boy somewhat choked on his words, looking down and giving an exasperated sigh at the mere thought of how things could've gone wrong.

"I can protect myself," Isla told him, watching him walk over to her and sit down.

"I know you can, you're so bloody badass," He chuckled lightly. "But there isn't much anyone can do about dark magic, I didn't want to risk it. I just got you," He chuckled.

Isla sighed softly, but had a small smile playing at her lips – cupping his cheek with her hand and pulling him into a soft kiss.

"I don't want you to get hurt either, Ominis," She whispered against his lips, before pulling away and leaning their foreheads together. "Thats why we do things together, so we can protect each other."

The boy sighed softly and moved his head down to rest on her shoulder, leaving soft kisses across her neck. "I won't do it again," he murmured.

Isla hummed softly and ran her fingers through his hair, holding him close. "Thank you," She whispered.

"Can I ask you a question?" Isla asked after a moment, trailing her fingers across his back.

"Of course," He nodded slightly, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

"What more is there to your hate towards dark magic? I assumed some stuff with the scriptorium but it seems like theres so much more to it."

Ominis hummed softly, feeling his heart sink slightly. "Short or long version?"

"Whatever version you feel comfortable telling me," she whispered in response, gently lifting Ominis's head off of her shoulder so she could lay down – then pulled Ominis down with her, so his head laid on her chest.

He sighed softly, hugging her close. "Being a Gaunt, I grew up with dark magic. By age 6 I already knew how to cast the killing curse, a year later the torture curse – my parents made me cast it on a muggle. I didn't want to, so they casted it on me and asked me again to cast it on the muggle, so I did."

He kept it short, feeling his voice tremble just at the memory of it. "I... presume you know how I feel about it," he chuckled, feeling her nod slightly.

"But theres more?" She encouraged gently.

"Unfortunately," He muttered. "I'm considered the disappointment of the Gaunt's, because I'm blind. And when I was 11, just after I got my Hogwarts letter, I became so fed up with being the disabled one." He sighed softly, fidgeting with Isla's white top.

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