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A/N... 🌶️🌶️🌶️


"Are you decent?" Isla called out, knocking on the door to the boys change room.

"Yeah," A voice called out, their tone laced with annoyance which caused Isla to roll her eyes.

Though she walked in, her eyes widening as she instantly turned around. "I asked if you were decent!"

"Decent enough," Raine rolled his eyes dramatically, only missing a shirt which he was putting on.

Isla sighed in annoyance, but took a deep breath and gathered herself – she just wanted to make sure he was okay and apologize. That's all. Then she can leave and never speak with him alone again.

She peeked slightly to see if he had his shirt on, preferring not to have a conversation with her back turned – though maybe not seeing his pretentious face would make it easier to apologize.

But either way, Raine was fully decent.

"What? Is Gaunt jealous you'll find someone more attractive than him?" The boy deadpanned, tossing his things into his bag.

The girl scoffed. "No, a) because i quite think that's impossible, and b) he's not the jealous type. I just have the personal preference of not seeing you shirtless."

Raine let out a chuckle, shaking his head and walking over to the sink to splash his face with water. "That's a first."

"Look, I just wanted to apologize for hurting you," She sighed, chewing at the inside of her cheek. "Honest. I didn't intend to and if I could take it back I would."

Raine hummed slightly, running his fingers through his hair before turning to her – lifting the bottom of his shirt up to show her the dark circular bruise on his abdomen. "So you're sorry about this?"

Isla winced slightly at the look of the bruise, feeling even guiltier. "Really, really sorry."

"Well," he said, dropping his shirt down. "apology unaccepted."

The Slytherin girl gave him a shocked look – she didn't expect him to forgive her, but it was just his... blatant response that stunned her. "Pardon?"

"I don't forgive you and I don't accept your apology," He deadpanned, raising an eyebrow at her. "Next time think twice before doing insane shit like that."

Isla gave him a taken aback look. "Well—" she straightened herself up. "what can I do to at least make things better? Make it up to you?"

Raine pretended to think. "Hmm... nothing – well, actually," Isla looked slightly hopeful at his words. "leave me alone perchance?"

Her hopeful look deflated and she gave him an apologetic look. "Raine please – I hate being on bad terms with people especially someone I'm on a team with. I want to get along with you, truly, I don't want us to hate each other because of something that happened the day we met."

"Well, you should have thought about that before you decided to show off," He deadpanned, slinging his bag over his shoulder and brushing past her, hitting their shoulders.

But Isla was put into Slytherin for a reason – so she grabbed onto his arm. "I'll buy you butterbeer for the next month, whenever you want it I'll buy it," she tried to bargain.


"I'll help you with homework for your worst class! I'm really good at transfigurations and herbology—"

Isla let out a loud curse when she felt Raine grab onto her wrist and push her against the wall – his forearm against her neck with a glare.

"Fuck off, Jones. You hear me?"

rain & mist // ominis gauntWhere stories live. Discover now