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Sebastian's heart dropped when he spun around to see Ominis on the ground, hunched over as screams tore from his throat and left it raw.

"No," Sebastian whispered to himself, running over to the blond boy and collapsing beside Anne who tried to soothe him. "Ominis, I—"

Despite the feeling of his chest closing in on itself, the feeling of his eyes being ripped out from their sockets, like someone was taking a hammer to his head over and over and over but he just wouldn't die – despite all of that, the moment Sebastian's hands brushed against his body, Ominis dragged himself up, away from Sebastian as tears began to sting his eyes.

"Go." He groaned, stumbling away from the two, not caring enough to find his wand and just wanting to get away.

"Ominis—" Sebastian whispered, stepping towards him.

A loud scream of pain left his throat as he held onto a nearby tree for support, "Go away!" He yelled at him. "You made your choice."

Ominis used the tree's for support as he stumbled away from Sebastian, as far as possible, leaving the brown boy with hot tears streaming down his face and Anne looking at him, desperate to know how the inseparable duo turned into this.

It wasn't just the pain from the cruciatus curse that tortured Ominis – it was the physical and emotional pain too.

He couldn't tell if the feeling of his heart being squeezed tight with nails being hammered into it was because of Sebastian, the curse, or if he was having a heart attack or something along the lines of that.

Ominis eventually lost all strength and feeling in his legs, collapsing down against a tree and holding onto it tight as he let out strings of sobs and wails.

His nails dug into the tree bark, the feeling of them bleeding raw was being overlapped by everything.

Sharp stabs of pain hit him like spikes, and desperate tears streamed down the side of his face to make it all fucking stop.

Even as the curse began to dull, the tears never stopped.

The tears of rejection and abandonment by the one he considered his best friend for years, the tears of pain from the cuts of the axes across his back which he used as a shield to protect Anne, the tears of hopelessness – all he wanted was for someone to care, to be there and hold him.

But he knew better than to hope.

He hoped that Sebastian would pick him, and was left feeling even more hurt.

He hoped that Sebastian would protect him, but clearly that didn't happen and left him wailing in pain.

He hoped that things would start to get better, and it fucking hurt that that wasn't reality.

Sebastian, meanwhile, was being yelled at by his uncle for using an unforgivable curse.

Normally, he would argue. He wanted to.

But his heart felt so heavy as he replayed everything in his head – as he kept reminding himself that he lost Ominis over and over and over.

rain & mist // ominis gauntWhere stories live. Discover now