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A/N... (600 reads on this!?!? you psychos i love y'all sm)... also my new Seb fic just dropped 👀👀👀 if y'all wanna see it 👀👀
one last thing! cause of my vacation and my long connecting flights n stuff, I might write a lot of chapters in one day – but my question is would y'all prefer me publish it all at once or post one chappy per day till I have no more??


"I wanted to show you two something," Ominis pulled Sebastian through the dungeons, Sebastian holding onto Isla's wrist, dragging her with him.

Isla let out a soft laugh, "You seem eager, why?" She asked curiously.

"It's about what we talked about yesterday," The blond explained to her, causing Sebastian to look back at Isla with a raised eyebrow.

"And that was..?" He asked the two generally.

"I've told you both I've got two pet snakes," Ominis said hesitantly after a moment, when Isla shrugged at Sebastians question and stayed quiet.

"I want you to meet them." He explained.

"Ominis," Sebastian said slowly, a smirk growing on his face while Isla sighed, knowing where this was going. "You're being quite ominous."

The blond boy groaned loudly at the pun, while Sebastian held his hand up to Isla for a high five, grinning.

The girl just raised an eyebrow at him with an amused look, causing Sebastian to complain and high five his own hand.

"No sense of humour, I tell you—" He grumbled to himself, the two others laughing at his complaints.

Ominis dragged Sebastian by the hand into a closet, mostly hidden away with clutter around it.

He opened the door and pulled the two inside, Isla casting 'lumos' so they could see.

They watched curiously and eagerly as Ominis kneeled down to push some boxes aside to reveal a trapdoor.

He opened it, and gestured for the two to crawl down.

"This is a little excessive for two snakes..." Sebastian said warily, before being pushed towards the trap door by Isla.

"Since when are you scared of a little adventure?" She teased him, causing the brunet to scowl.

"I am not scared," He said confidently, straightening up before tossing his robe behind him, climbing down the ladder from the trap door.

Isla chuckled lightly and gently nudged Ominis, a playful look spread across her face before climbing down after Sebastian – finally, Ominis following the two and closing the trap door.

Sebastian had already casted 'lumos' and looked around the tunnels, incredibly curious as to where it would lead.

"And I never knew about this?" Sebastian asked the boy, who shrugged.

"Never asked."

"I never asked about if you had a secret trap door hiding your two snakes?" Sebastian laughed and shook his head amusedly, while Ominis shrugged.

rain & mist // ominis gauntWhere stories live. Discover now