Kickball ~ Alex

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I sat down on the bench next to Brandt

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I sat down on the bench next to Brandt. We were in gym, playing kickball. Which I hate. Gym makes me want to jump off a bridge.

"Hey, you know Alex likes you right?" Brandt suddenly informed me. But sadly, I didn't hear him. I was too busy in my own thoughts.

"Huh." I said plainly.

"I said-" Brandt got cut off by the gym teacher yelling out my name.

"You're turn L/n! Get up over here!" She yelled out.

My heart dropped, I can't kick for shit.

"Oh, fuck me." I said quietly while standing up.

"I'm sure Alex would like to." Brandt chuckled.

Great, Alex was pitching too. This might just be the worst day ever. I just got called up to kick the ball in front of the entire class, and my crush is pitching? Hell nah.

Standing in front of Alex, a few feet away I started shaking slightly. What if I embarrass myself?

He looked at me for a moment before tossing the ball my way. Surprisingly, I kicked it, perfectly.

I was about to run when Alex moved in front of the ball like he wanted to get hit. It smacked him right in his nose, What. The. Fuck.

My hands flew up to my mouth as Alex fell backwards. It's like he wanted to get hit! (cause he did 🤷🏽‍♀️)

"Man down, everybody sit!" Coach yelled out. I froze, ain't no way that just happened.

"You, take your victim to the nurse!" She pointed at me.

Huh? I didn't even do anything though. Sighing, I walked towards Alex and grabbed his hand, pulling him up.

My face immediately turned red at the physical contact.

Alex and I both sat on the comfy chair thingy in the nurses office

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Alex and I both sat on the comfy chair thingy in the nurses office. I was looking at the floor, while he was staring forward with an ice pack on his nose. It was bleeding.

"Why would you move in front of the ball?" I questioned, a little annoyed.

He shrugged.

That's it? All I get is a shrug? What the fuck, dude. (Richie Tozier moment)

Rolling my eyes, I went to stand up when Alex grabbed me hand.

"Stay." He said firmly.

Sitting back down, I looked at him.

"Sorry I 'hit' you. I'll do anything to make it up too you." I stated.

He smirked, "You can kiss me." He said smugly. I looked at him confused and in shock.


Wait what?

No way.

Is this happening??

Maybe he's just trying to make me feel embarrassed.

"Y/n?" Alex asked, pulling me out of my daze.

"Oh, sorry." I gave him a little side eye.

"So, about that kiss?" He asked again.

"But, we're in school. People will see." I stated the obvious.

"Meet me in the bathroom at 12:15, okay?"

"Uhm, okay." Replying quietly, I stood up and quickly left the nurses office.

" Replying quietly, I stood up and quickly left the nurses office

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It was 12:13 and I was in Science with Miranda and Connie. They were my friends, Miranda is my favorite though. She's really funny and sweet, sometimes.

I raised my hand and the teacher called on me.

"May I go to the bathroom?" I asked politely.

"Of course, Y/n." She smiled at me and gave me a pass.

I quickly walked to the bathroom that was in the back of the school. It only made sense for Alex to go to that one since people rarely go in it.

When I walked in, he was leaning up against one of the stalls.

"I thought you weren't going to come for a second." He smiled.

"You really think that low of me?" I asked dramatically. (yes.)

He walked closer to me and guided me to where my back was against the wall.

My heart was racing fast, like, really fast.

"Can I?" Alex asked for consent. Aw, he asked for consent. I basically melted inside.

I nodded as he leaned in and connected his lips with mine.

They were soft and it felt like he had been biting them a little, since they were kind of rough.

I put one hand on his neck and the other on the back of his head. He put his hand under my shirt, rubbing my sides gently.

Alex put his knee in between my thighs, pushing up slightly and causing it to get a little heated.

"Wait, we can't do this in school." I said, once gain, stating the obvious.

"Shit, you're right. I'll see you later, yeah?" He asked in his usual monotone voice.

"I guess." I answered walking out, but not before Alex kissed me one more time.

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