We're Over ~ Brandt

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sorry this is kinda bad


─ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ─

Rumor had been going around that Brandt was cheating on you. Of course, you didn't believe it at first. Until, he started dodging the questions you asked him about it.

That's only the start.

Brandt started acting weird around you, like he was nervous. He canceled all his plans with you and even tried to avoid you in school.

You knew he had done something. He acted nervous and like he was guilty.

So, on Thursday, you walked up to Brandt. Instead of giving him a kiss on his cheek, like you usually did, you pushed him and he collided with his locker.

"What did you do?" You questioned the scared boy.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"You canceled all of our plans, you keep acting weird, and you avoid me! So, what'd you do?"

"Don't you know Y/n..? Why are you still with him?" Dustin asked, shaking his head in disappointment.

"What? Do I know what? Tell me!" You were confused. Did Brandt Jackson really cheat on you? The boy who gave you a promise ring and told you he'd always be with you? The boy who 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 you?

"I found him kissing a girl in the janitors closet." Dustin smirked, not caring about Brandt's sorrow filled face.

You face filled up with disgust.

"Really?" Was all you could say.

"No! I didn't!" Brandt denied.

"We're over."

"No, wait!" He yelled out.

The bell rang, you walked to class. You weren't going to let some stupid boy get to you.

As you got to your first class, almost everyone knew that you guys had broken up already.

A lot of people were mad at Brandt because he had cheated on you. You just wanted to find out who started the rumor about him cheating, that's how you grew suspicious in the first place.

As you analyzed a few people in the class, mostly girls, you realized it couldn't have been them.

The teacher started class and you did your work. You wanted to keep your grades up, you couldn't get distracted by stupid things. You had four A's and two B's.

You were a smart kid and nothing could change that. Well, almost nothing.

The day went on, you spoke to your friends. For the most part, it was a good day.

You did feel eyes on you almost in every class, but you ignored it.

At lunch, you sat with Anna and Maya.

In gym, you hung around Alex.

In Science, you kept to yourself.

As you started to walk home, you heard feet against the ground behind you

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As you started to walk home, you heard feet against the ground behind you.

You looked back to see Brandt.

As you rolled your eyes, he sighed.

"Please look at me." He grabbed your shoulder so you weren't walking anymore.

"I can explain. please trust me, are you really going to believe those stupid rumors over me?" He whimpered.

"Fine, explain." You rolled your eyes.

"Thank you! Okay, first of all, Dustin was lying. I wasn't kissing some stupid girl in the janitors closet. I would never do that to you! Second of all, Heather was the one who started the rumor. I've been avoiding you and canceling our plans because my dad got sick. I had to take care of him! I would never leave you, I gave you a promise ring! Please, trust me."

You frowned, that was a lot of information to take in. Brandt could tell you were still debating on believing him or not.

"Alex knows, Miranda and Connie do too! They can tell you tomorrow." He put his hand on the side of your neck.

You looked at the ground, before nodding.

"Okay, I believe you. But they need to tell me their side of the story too."

He sighed in relief and pulled you along in the direction of his house.

"Come on, let's go spend time together. Wait, we're together right? Please? I can't live without you!" He pleaded.

"Fine. I'm sorry I ended it without hearing your side of the story." You shook your head, laughing.

"It's okay." Brandt placed a soft and loving kiss on your neck.

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