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▪ song Recommended for this Chapter
              "Stay with me"
         Chanyeol and Punch

The Sun rays peeked through the windows, lighting up the room in process, making the boy in his early 20's groan because of disturbance in his sleep, he rubs his eyes and looks around, hearing his alarm go off, it shows 7:15am over there, He Screams a "Shit" and runs towards bathroom, stumbling on his way to god knows what only to return back to grab his towel from his wardrobe, he takes a quick shower and wear his clothes, a black ripped jeans with a black jacket and a white tee inside with blue printed words, he combs his shoulder length black locks and picks up his bag after tieing his shoelace up, he makes a run for downstairs straight to the door.

He reaches his garage and starts his motorbike, ready for first day of university after winter breaks, and he rides off in full speed, with music blasting in his ear phones....

At the same time

A lady in her mid 40's sits on the chair in dining after setting the table waiting for her son and husband, she checks the clock and it shows 7:15n she sighs and gets up making her way to her sons room, she knocks on the door and then opens it only to find his son all ready for his uni, styling his hair sitting infront of mirror...."Oh Good morning Mom".... he says while settling the comb down making his way to his mom "Good morning Dear, i thought you were still asleep considering you slept late last night"..."you know mom i'm an early bird"...he says smiling ear to ear to which in return he gets a reply with a squeeze on his cheeks....he chuckles more widely, being pampered by his mom is his second most favourite thing...(you'll soon know the first one)....

"Okay okay my early bird, now come and have breakfast before you get more late"..."oh i can't have breakfast now"...."why?"..."because we all friends promised that we will have our breakfast together so i'm having it with them"...."oh alright, So you ain't gonna go because i think you're pretty late"....."Ahhh you're right, shoot i forgot the time"..... he says well practically yells, picks his backpack up and runs out of the house, not forgetting to kiss his mom on the cheek and waving his dad a bye who was there for god knows how much time.....

Seoul National University

He parks his car and comes out of it, and sees a bike already parked beside his car  with a Raven head Man leaning on it, he smiles at him and runs towards him, giving him a tight hug, the man catches him in his arms hugging him tightly from his waist, and gives him a soft chaste kiss on his fluffy hair, he looks up and gives the Man a soft kiss on his feather like smooth cheek...the both smile at each other widely til it got interrupt by a loud burp,

"Excuse me  we were having a moment here"....Raven head says getting annoyed by it, "And i'm having an indigestion"...."Who told you to eat that much"..."Can't help it, but if you love birds are free than can we go inside already because i'm freezing and i'm hungry"...."Really hoshi you just ate two sandwiches and now you are again hungry?"
"Aish jeonghan hyung don't ruin my mood by saying that".... Said boy whose name goes by Hoshi says that to the Raven head while pouting like a baby, on seeing which other makes a disgust face,...."aish stop now you two, lets go inside, i just got a text form mingyu they all are waiting for us in cafeteria".... the third boy who was watching the other two's drama silently, says after checking his phone, they both nodded in response and walk towards inside, chatting on the way....

They reached the cafeteria and saw all of their friends sitting around a table near the big window of cafeteria, they walked towards them greeting them in the process...."Hey! Good morning Joshua hyung, why are you guys so late?"....Seokmin asks as he hugs his hyung..."You know these two they both again started to fight outside"....Joshua says shaking his head as he sits down beside seokmin leaving an empty seat beside him for his boyfriend..."btw hyung when are you going to meet Joshua hyungs parents?"....Jihoon asks when he sees jeonghan settling himself down on the chair with his and Joshua's breakfast..."Today, they're going to meet today"....Joshua answers on behalf of Jeonghan..."Honestly speaking i'm so nervous for the first time in my life, i don't know if they'll like me or not"....Jeonghan speaks sharing his nervousness with his friends..."why won't they like you Hanniee? You've already met them and they like you so don't be nervous okay?"....Joshua says rubbing his back soothingly...."Shua is right don't be nervous they're gonna like you"....seungcheol says in order to remove his best friend's nervouseness..."yeah you're right it's not like i'm going to meet them first time but it's really my first time meeting them as Shua's boyfriend, so just kind of nervous, nothing else"...."Everything's going to he alright"....Joshua says softly in his ear and gives a soft kiss over there to calm his boyfriend, which worked for sure because Jeonghan smiled sweetly....

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