Kim Taehyung

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Jimin shuddered as he heard Joshua...the memories came flooding back which he'd hidden deep down in his heart...the tears started to brim on edge of his eyes..seeing his husband in tears Yoongi gets up and side hugs him rubbing his arms around him..."shh baby it's alright calm down hmm calm down"....hearing him Jimin nods his head and Yoongi make him sit down on couch beside Joshua and Jeonghan....Every member present in that room looks at each other in confusion....there was only one thought going on in their minds 'Who exactly is Kim Taehyung?'.....

After calming down fully Jimin started
"How'd you know about him?"..."Last night we told eomma and appa about our relationship...eomma got angry she said that we can't be together when we questioned she said that she didn't wanted us to go through the thing which Taehyung did...we got confused than appa told us that he was eomma's brother..he didn't told us anything further...when. Eomma appa slept we sneaked into their room and found a box in eomma closet it had letters and photos inside it...but the faces in all photos were no one wanted to see that faces before...this morning we showed them the pictures and Seokmin and Jihoon recognized your eomma's arcade room in one of the pictures... that's how we're here to get our answers...Uncle Jimin I-I really wanna know who Taehyung is? What in the world even happened to him that our parents are too scared for us to be together?"...Joshua says with a desperate plea in his voice..."uncle I-I love Shua alot and I-I don't want to live without him...I-i can't...and you know that"... Jeonghan says right after Joshua finishes....they had tears in their eyes...telling how much they want to be together....

Jimin sighs..."i guess then it's time for you to know the truth....but there are some other people too who should be here...very important actually...I'll go give them a call hmm..once they'll be here we'll talk"....."you think it is right decision to call them Love"..."Yes hyung it's been 22 years since we last talked they also deserve to know everything "....Jimin says closing his eyes as he waited for other person to pick up the line....

"Hello who's it?"...a voice asks..."it's me hyung Jimin....W-We really need you...i-it's about them"...Jimin says with a trembling voice....there was silence for a minute, he thought that the other person ain't there he was about to cut off the call he heard car engine's.....his eyes brim with tears as a smile took it's place on his lips....

Svt members were sitting in living room, waiting....They were confused as to whom did Jimin called..he didn't told them anything but just said to wait....
"Eomma whom actually we are waiting for and when are they going to co-"....Woozi's sentence got cut with the ringing of bell...Yoongi stands up and opens the door....

After a minute they saw 3 men entering the room...Upon seeing one of them heat started to creep through Chan's neck to his cheeks...his cheeks which were of pale color a while ago now were covered in hue of cherry pink...

"Hey Jimin-aah"..."Hey Jin Hyung"..."how are you?"..."I'm"..."same as before"...hearing Jin Jimin looks down crying silently...Seeing Jimin crying Jihan and Seokhoon stood up going towards him when Yoongi signed them to stay back...they understood still confused....after a minute Jimin felt oh so familiar arms wrapped around him...he finally broke down into soft sobs hugging his hyung whom he also considered as a second mother tightly..he craved for this for a long time now...."I'm sorry hyung it took me 22 years to call you back...I'm really sorry"...."shh it's alright Jimin-aah it's alright I understand we all have gone through hard time now we're together right so Please stop know I can't see my kids crying"...Jin says with a soft laugh which earned him a small chuckle form everyone present there except 13 boys who were really confused....

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