Strings of Fate

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Joshua thought to take a walk before Jeonghan gets home because then that have to go to Jihoon's house, He walks beside the railings of Han river's bridge, he loves winter walks, it makes him feel at ease, but his Peaceful time finished when he felt the paper inside his coat pocket, he finally thought to let go off the past, which he just got to know  a month ago, he spots a bench and makes his way towards it, as takes out the letter from his pocket...

He stares at it fro good 15 minutes until he finally opens it to read it...when he read the first words of letter, he immediately felt his eyes brimming with tears, he sometimes still ask god that Why does it have to be him? Why does it had to be his Parents?...but he shrugs off his thoughts as he starts to read it...

Joshua cries hard as clutches the letter close to his heart, he wanted to tell them that he didn't hated them, he loved them, he wanted to be with them and live like a normal family but it wasn't in his fate, he kept on crying until he felt a smal...

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Joshua cries hard as clutches the letter close to his heart, he wanted to tell them that he didn't hated them, he loved them, he wanted to be with them and live like a normal family but it wasn't in his fate, he kept on crying until he felt a small hand wiping his tears and caressing his cheeks, he opens his eyes and looks at the kid Infront of him. "why are you crying Samchon?"..."I'm missing my parents"..."Really I too miss my parents, they're out business trip but they said they will come for my birthday, Are your parents also out for business trip?"...Joshua nods in answer and looks at kid fondly...

"Samchon what's your name?"..."My name is Joshua"..."Jo-Jo"..."it's hard?"..Joshua asks kids chuckling, "Yeah"..."Then just calle Shua"..."Shua?".."Yeah"..."You're pretty uncle"..."Thank you, you're also handsome, btw what's your name"..."I'm Taehyung, But my friends call me taetae. You can also call me that"... Taehyung says and Joshua again felt his eyes brimming with tears...his parents were there comforting him without even knowing...he and Taehyung talked for hours until Taehyung's nanny called him and he had to leave but before going Taehyung said something to him..."You know you remind me of someone?"..."who?"..."My Koo, he is just like you pretty and cute, I will marry him when I get older"...Joshua smiled at him, and pets his head..."Make sure to never leave him at any circumstances okay taetae, I'm sure he won't be able to live without you"...."I won't I swear"...and Taehyung left kissing Joshua on his cheeks.....

Joshua reached home and told Jeonghan everything when they were heading to Seungcheol's house, he felt so happy and light, Like a heavy thing lifted above form his shoulders, seeing him happy Jeonghan secretly prays to god to keep him smiling like that and kept on glancing at him while driving....

Fate really plays with us....No one know what it has planned for you, but It's not wrong everytime...


The End...

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