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1Year later..

Jeonghan sat in waiting room, tapping his feet anxiously on floor, he was nervous, and Joshua's screams didn't helped at all....They were sleeping when Joshua's water broke, Jeonghan didn't know what to do he kept on panicking until joshua kicked him and he finally got his sanity back they rushed to hospital, Now Joshua is inside Operation room and giving birth to their first baby....

"Mr Yoon can you please come inside your husband is asking for you"...nurse calls out Jeonghan who nods his head and follows her inside, he immediately goes beside Joshua and holds his hand tightly.."Yes baby you can do this, push and little harder"...he says encouraging Joshua..."Shut up you idiot I'm in this pain because of you, I ain't letting you touch me ever again"...joshua says angrily, cursing Jeonghan at every Push...their friends were outside including Yoonmin, Namjin and Hobi...

Over the year Hobi and Chan also got married after confessing to each other, Woozi and Seungcheol got married year ago and currently they were deciding the dates for Wonwoo and mingyu's wedding....Jieun and her husband were also there after all they raised Joshua as their son, He forgave them and now they were all good with each other, Jieun also asked for forgiveness to Jimin and Jin and they also forgave her for the sake of Joshua....

They all get up hearing a baby cries, Jimin and Jin hugged each and cried dramatically....Lol.

Joshua woke up after an hour and saw Jeonghan caressing his hairs..."You alright?"...he asks softly..."Yeah, where's everyone"..."They went home I sent them, they were here all night so I told to rest them"...Joshua nods and looks around..."Where's our baby?".."She's here!"... Jeonghan says as he gets up from his place beside Joshua and went towards a baby crib, taking their baby in his arms and brings her to Joshua...."She's so cute"..."Yeah just like you"..Joshua blushes at the compliment..."See Hannie she got your eyes, so pretty"..."and see she has same lips as you"....."Yeah"....they both giggle when thier daughter tightly held Joshua's finger, and just like that they spent their time with their baby, happy....

Somewhere at same time...

"Koo listen to meeeee"....Tae whines at Jungkook...who looks back at him from his homework..."What is it taetae?"..."Koo promise me"..."what?"..."Promise me you'll marry me when we'll get older"...Jungkook shakes his head at older antics, "Of course hyung I told you before I would..now let me do my homework and you do yours too"..."Okay, I'm so happy"... Taehyung says as he hugs Jungkook and kisses his cheek softly, In Which's response Jungkook blushes but still kisses his cheek back....


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