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There was silence in room, the only sound of their breaths could be heard...Joshua sat there still in shock...this all was too much to take in...he had mixed emotions...anger, sorrow, shock, pain...but the most he felt was rage....Rage because he wasn't told about his parents, Who died even before he was born....he didn't even get to saw them and they left just like, just because of some homophobic people, just because of his So Called "Mother"....

"Then why did you let her take me?"...Joshua asked, his voice shaking..."She guilty trapped us...Jin hyung wanted to take you under his wings... because he always treated Taehyung and Jungkook as his sons... especially Jungkook...but she showed him that she was guilty, she said that you were her only brother's only memento...I tried to make Jin hyung understand but he was so soft hearted that he let her take you... That's why we broke up in fight and didn't talked for 22 years"....Jimin said explaining...

Joshua felt his hands shaking and trembling because of anger, he wanted nothing but to confront her, ask her as to why she did it with him, with them, he wanted to scream but nothing came out of his mouth...he stood up and made his way out of his house...he needed answers right now....

Jieun sat down as she felt an uneasy feeling building inside her, He has been feeling it since morning and the fact she didn't saw Joshua today at all made her anxiety build in more...Jongsuk was out for an important business meeting and she was alone at home this didn't do her better....she was about to drift to sleep when she heard the bell ringing...

She stood up and went to see who was her at this time, as Jongsuk usually comes home at 6 and Joshua at 4 it's still an hour for Joshua to come...She opens the door only to see her mother standing there with her same stone face expression she used to have years ago....her son's death didn't changed her a bit...she looked at her a bit reluctantly but she didn't minded it...they all were like that, Only family by name, and when we think about it there was nothing between them to call them as family....

She let her enter inside and made her sit in living and then went to bring her a glass of water....she drank it and putted it on coffee table before her...There was a silence until she decided to broke it...."What do you want?"...she asks..."I came here to see Joshua".... hearing her mother answer Jieun felt herself scoffing..."And may I ask why?"..."He is my grandson and I can visit him"..."Oh what a responsible grandmother you are"...she says sarcasm dripping in her voice..."You still have guts to face him dad...after killing his parents"....she says rasing her voice..."don't act like you're saint Jieun... You're the one who manipulated us into killing him and now you're acting like you've loved him so dearly...And May I remind you you're no one in place to stop me from seeing Joshua"....she says voiced as cold as ice...

"yeah I know and I'm guilty about it...I realized my mistake..but I'm not like you"...."Oh shut it off...We both know what kind of person you are...or should I remind you the words you said to me before Manipulating That Seokjin guy to give you Taehyung's kid"...."I know what I said"...."then don't you dare to talk back to me or even stop me from seeing him or else I will tell him that the only reason you took him was to have all of his property under your name because before dying your dad wrote it under his name"...


Jieun and her mother both looked back only to see Joshua standing there with tears rolling down his eyes with Jeonghan behind him panting a little bit
...she felt air being knocked out from her lungs... it's been years since she officially adopted him as her son and in all these years she loved him sincerely but there still was a reason as to why she wanted him to be her son and now seeing Joshua standing there she just prays that he haven't heard anything but her dismay his next words confirmed it that he has....

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