Hidden Truth

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Previously on -Until we meet Again-

"Who's taehyung?" -Joshua

Jong-suk looked towards Joshua and Jeonghan, curiosity was clearly vivid in their eyes as well as confusion, Joshua hadn't heard this name since his childhood,
He looked towards his dad waiting for answer, on not getting the one he asked again"Appa who is taehyung? What happened to him? Why eomma cried after saying his name?"...he questioned, Jong suk sighed....he signalled them to sit on the sofa, to which they both complied."I too don't know about him well, the only thing i know is that he was your eomma's brother, nothing else, i'll go check up on your eomma, have rest okay"...saying this he walked out.

"So you know this taehyung person?"...jeonghan asked after a minute of silence, they both were now in Joshua's room, sitting on bed, Joshua had his back pressed on headboard and jeonghan was laying his head in his lap, Joshua's one hand was in his hair and one was intertwined with jeonghan's...."No i don't i haven't heard this name before"...."i don't understand why doesn't your mother want us together? What in blue moon even happened to this taehyung guy?"..."You're right we have to find out what happened to him and who he is or else we won't know how to convince eomma....and after listening to appa, i am more suspicious"..."huh?"...."i mean eomma and appa are together since eomma was in college how in the hell wouldn't he know what happened to taehyung samchon, if he is eomma brother as he tells"...."You're right"...jeonghan says agreeing to Joshua's statement..."now we just need to find out what happened to him, but how?"...Joshua  says confused and worried, when suddenly jeonghan stood up from his lap and faced him..."i know a way to find about him"..."what way?"...Joshua asks making jeonghan smirk....

"Are we really doing this hanniee?"...Joshua asks more like whispers,"yes we are"....jeonghan whispers as he opens the door slightly but quietly, he peaks inside only to find Mr and Mrs Hong sleeping (I.U and Jong Suk)....he tip toes inside, joshua following behind, they reached towards Closet room and entered inside making sure to close the door, but as they say there is bound to go something wrong, the door doesn't closes fully, which obviously they didn't know....they got inside and walked towards I.U's closet, reaching there Joshua took out the hairpin from his hair, which he wore for the purpose he's going to do next...

'Click'...a light sound resonated in the walk in closet indicating the locker was opened, yeah Joshua Hong just picked a Lock, well something he learned after staying with jeonghan for so long, they don't be called as "Devil Angle Duo" for nothing, tho the thing is most devil types of works are done by jeonghan still he is called as an 'Angle'..... Jeonghan kept on looking back to see if someone got awaken or not....Joshua passed through the stuff, hidden by her Mom, he couldn't find anything and sighed disappointingly..."what happened? Found something?"...jeonghan mouthed him and he shooked his head as No...Jeonghan rubbed his temple annoyingly until something caught his eyes....

"Oww! Oww! Oww!, i should ask your mother tomorrow what's she feeding you, You're getting heavy"....Jeonghan whispers trying to stable himself so Joshua can't fall, "let me get down and i'll tell you who's heavy"...Joshua says trying his best to reach the wooden box placed on top of cupboard, When he finally grasp it in his hands he signals jeonghan, jeonghan helps him getting down,"now faster look what is inside it"...jeonghan says getting impatient, Joshua nods, as he tries to open the box, they hear a Door opening sound, making them freeze in their spot.....

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