One That Got Away

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Flashback continues~

Taehyung and Jungkook got out of their trance when they heard clapping of hands roaring in the room...Jungkook looked down shyly and Taehyung walked towards him...

That was the first time they got to know each other names and also the same time when Taehyung asked him out on a date...."Will you go out with me?"...he asked, for some people it might be strange...but for them it was a decision made after many sleepless nights..."Y-Yes"...Jungkook replied shyly...

Time skip few weeks later...

Now they both were officially a couple... University students adored them...They were called as Power Couple of SNU...and Hyungs were also happy for them... everything was going smoothly, happily but as they say happiness doesn't last long...

In every Light, A darkness resides...

Today Taehyung made his decision..he thought to propose Jungkook for marriage today as they were going to graduate in next few hours he wanted to make this time special...

"Hyung where are we going?...Just tell me now please...Taehyungie hyungie Hyung Please"... Jungkook pleaded with puppy eyes and soft pout on his lips... Taehyung was almost about to lose control and spill everything (keyword: Almost)...but he controlled himself...Man it was hard but after being boyfriends for almost 2 years now he has grown a talent and that is...'How to resist Jungkook's puppy eyes'....

Jungkook was now getting impatient...he had something so important to tell Taehyung but Taehyung was taking him somewhere and he doesn't know where....he looked at Taehyung's direction but he can't look at before you ask why because he is blind folded by him...he sighs and waits when he feels car engine's going off...that means they reached.. Taehyung comes out of the car and goes towards Jungkook's door and opens it for him support as they walk...

Taehyung sees Jimin and Signs him something and Jimin implies it right away.... Taehyung take off Jungkook's blindfold and let him walk ahead...when Jungkook is finally free from the cage of Blindfold he immediately look at his surroundings...And he was wonderstruck once again...there was a path with trees on both sides which were cover in golden lights wrapped around them....With their photos hanging on the branches...all the moments they spent together, form their first date to their first kiss, from their first roller coaster flight together to their first fight, from their first chilly night date at late night in mid fall to their first snow of winter together, from their first road trip to the day where they became each other's first....the memories brought tears to his eyes and he smiled in happiness.....

As we walked he noticed a large tower coming in the view and he again was Awestruck, it was Namsan tower, where he always wanted to come, where he wanted to lock his love for forever...he smiled at Tae with his brightest bunny smile showing his cute bunny teeths...his eyes shown in sparkles and he ran to hug Taehyung tightly... Taehyung was happy and content, he felt warm as he hugged him more closer...he signed Jimin and Jimin nodded, when Jungkook felt something fell on his hair he looked up and saw thousands of cherry blossoms falling on them....he didn't know what to do...he was overwhelmed...

"You like it?"...Tae ask as he held Jungkook more closer..."Like? I love it Taehyungiee it's so beautiful thank you so much"...Jungkook said with teary eyes and Taehyung rubbed his arms around him..."Shhh now stop crying les' go, don't you wanna lock our love?"..."Yeah"....

"What are you doing there?"...Jimin heard as he looked and saw Yoongi standing there..he rolled his eyes playfully and said..."Practicing how to be a bird"...."Really but wouldn't that be shameful for birds?"...Yoongi also replied with same saasiness ...they've always bickered like that ever since they met at coffee shop, when Jimin accidentally spiled his hot coffee at Yoongi and didn't apologized....he still holds that grudge..."Hahaha so funny"...Jimin said getting irritated....Yoongi chuckled and held his arms up, gesturing Jimin to come down....Tho the two bickered alot but they knew they felt something for each other...Jimin again rolled his eyes but implies and Comes down with the help of Yoongi...."Now tell me what were you doing there?"..."I was raining cherry blossoms on Taekook as Tae asked me to"...."Haha...idiot now come let's go I Wanna have a hot coffee and want to watch a movie"...."So why should I come?"..."You know"..."yeah yeah".....

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