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Destiny was on set of "Caresha Please" and was beyond nervous. She had watched the show before and knew that the questions asked were invasive and that she was a talkative drunk, the two mixed were bound to made her say something she didn't want the public to know.

They were already two shots in and Destiny was feeling hot. She fixed her hair as Caresha looked at her deck of cards to ask the next question. "So, I wanna know what's going on with you and Jack Harlow because I saw you and him talking at a house party a few months ago, I been nosy since." Caresha and Destiny laughed as she asked the question then Destiny rolled her eyes before responding.

"That's a reach, I don't even remember what we talked about that's how vague the conversation was. He's cute, actually he's fine as hell but I'm focusing on myself this summer so if he wants to hit me up come spooky season we can go to the pumpkin patch together. But right now, there's nothing going on with me and anyone romantically or sexually. Text me in the fall, we can go to the pumpkin patch."

Caresha burst out laughing at the reply then replied with her signature, "Period. So there's nothing going on between you any anyone is what you're saying at least until the fall time? Why the fall?" She asked, instigating further into why Destiny wasn't dating anyone at the moment.

"I just need me time. I spent so long changing myself to be liked by someone or seen by someone I feel like I lost myself. All my memories are with men and I hate that. This summer is dedicated to self love and self realization. I'm young too there's no need for me to be settled down. If I do let a man into my life he'll have to be almost fucking perfect." Destiny continued, laughing at the end as she sipped her drink.

"I don't even see you as a sexual person like I can't get into the spicy questions but I know you be getting into it but I just can't you're so put together and clean you not sucking nobody's dick!"Caresha made a facial expression as she chuckled with Destiny, though she was telling the truth.

"I like that then, I don't want to be over sexualized. I keep so much stuff private and my sex life is definitely one of them. I feel like it's one thing so speak on sex but another to be out here fully disclosing your sex life you know The Shaderoom will be quick to post it and they commenters quick to run their mouth."

"I just really love you like I'm always sitting in my house watching you on youtube! You been doing this a long time now too, to close this episode off what advice would you give to beginners at really running social media like you do, you have millions of followers on every platform."

Destiny stayed silent for a moment thinking about how to respond. "Well I guess I'd say stay consistent don't change your niche up every year. I've only rebranded my image once, also communicate with your audience make them feel seen and heard. The chances any one of my viewers has gotten noticed by me is extremely high because I'm always replying to DM's, comments, tagged posts, tweets all of it. There's a lot more but that's really the key points."

Caresha clapped for Destiny after she spoke then they did the outro for the show. Shortly after Destiny headed home so she could film a nighttime shower routine and pack for a trip to Bali, since it was already mid July and she hadn't really lived her summer to the fullest yet.

"Hey guys welcome or welcome back to my channel. Today's video is going to be a nighttime shower routine, I'm just getting in the house from doing something fun you'll see in a few weeks and I wanted to show you how I really just decompress after a long night." Her camera was set up in the bathroom as she spoke to it, then went on to her sponsorship before filming her shower. "First things first as you all know I've been working on keeping myself healthy on the inside and out and something that really helps me stay on top of it is supplements and vitamins, I know Tik Tok is always recommending a new one every month and it can get overwhelming but with the help of Care/of they make it so much easier. Care/of makes it easy to stay on track with your health goals by shipping high quality personalized vitamins and powders conveniently to your door every month and thanks to their daily packets it makes it really easy for me to remember to take my essential vitamins every single day eliminating the clutter of vitamin containers I have in my cabinet and it saves me the hassle of having to go through each one everyday to take an individual vitamin. You can go to takecareof.com to take a short in depth quiz about your health goals and lifestyle and get personally tailored recommendations based on your answers and to save fifty percent off your first Care/of order go to takecareof.com and enter code "Destiny Harris 50."

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